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✨ ThreeJS + VueJS 3 + ViteJS ⚡

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I wanted to code something similar to react-three-fiber but for VueJS.

I started from scratch, I will rewrite some of my WebGL demos to see if this little toy can do the job.

Trois is a french word, it means Three.

Usage (CDN)

TroisJS is really simple and easy to use :

<div id="app">
  <renderer ref="renderer" antialias orbit-ctrl resize="window">
    <camera :position="{ z: 10 }"></camera>
      <point-light :position="{ y: 50, z: 50 }"></point-light>
      <box ref="box" :rotation="{ y: Math.PI / 4, z: Math.PI / 4 }">

<script type="module">
  import { createApp } from '';
    mounted() {
      const renderer = this.$refs.renderer;
      const box = this.$;
      renderer.onBeforeRender(() => {
        box.rotation.x += 0.01;



Thanks to VueJS/ViteJS, TroisJS use watchers and HMR to update ThreeJS objects when you update a template or a prop. This means the result in your browser will be automatically updated without reloading all the stuff. This is really helpful when you are creating a TroisJS Scene.


Take a look at examples :

  • Lights
    • AmbientLight
    • DirectionalLight
    • HemisphereLight
    • PointLight
    • RectAreaLight
    • SpotLight
  • Materials
    • Basic
    • Lambert
    • Mapcap
    • Phong
    • Physical
    • Shader
    • Standard
    • SubSurface
    • Toon
  • Geometries
    • Box
    • Circle
    • Cone
    • Cylinder
    • Dodecahedron
    • Icosahedron
    • Lathe
    • Octahedron
    • Polyhedron
    • Ring
    • Sphere
    • Tetrahedron
    • Torus
    • TorusKnot
    • Tube
  • Post Processing
    • EffectComposer
      • BokehPass
      • FilmPass
      • FXAAPass
      • HalftonePass
      • Renderpass
      • SMAAPass
      • SSAOPass
      • UnrealBloomPass
      • TiltShiftPass
      • ZoomBlurPass