- Alexander Schnapp
- Padma Govindarajalu
- David Oh
- Drag and drop resume to search.
- Click 'save' to save this search
- Next time you visit the site it will automatically render the results from the previous search
- To do a new search, just drag and drop a new resume
- Node 8.1.2
- Postgresql 9.1.x
- Yarn
- IBM Watson Document converter
- IBM Watson Natural Language Understanding
- Indeed publisher API
- React Facebook Login
- GeoIp (node module)
yarn run server-dev
yarn run react-dev
Deployment: Heroku has deployment problems. If application error occurs with error code: "'./lib/node_mmdb.node' not found", change the node version and redeploy. The problem should go away.
Keys: Change anything that has process.env. with the actual keys (Except for postgresSQL. The key is already set up in package.JSON). CHANGE IT BACK BEFORE COMMITING
Setting up postgreSQL: Tables: Users: ID, Facebook ID Resumes: ID, Users' ID (foreign key), Keywords
Tip: Use Postico to set up SQL schema.
From within the root directory:
yarn install
- Show FB friends that work for the same company
- Require users to sign in before displaying results
See for contribution guidelines.