bug: alerts modal fails to pop up due to slack api rate limit #1634
Provide environment information
It happens in the webapp docker container
Describe the bug
The modal for creating a new integration hangs while it tries to fetch information from Slack. Most of the time it fails, but occasionally it passes and I'm able to create an alert (either slack, or other). Other than this the Slack alerts work perfectly, it's just an issue with adding them.
Reproduction repo
To reproduce
It's possible it's because our connection is a larger slack org, I don't know - I haven't looked at the Slack integration code
Additional information
[WARN] web-api:WebClient:22 http request failed A rate limit was exceeded (url: conversations.list, retry-after: 30)
Error: A rate limit was exceeded (url: conversations.list, retry-after: 30)
at /triggerdotdev/node_modules/.pnpm/@slack+web-api@6.8.1/node_modules/@slack/web-api/dist/WebClient.js:433:31
at async run (/triggerdotdev/node_modules/.pnpm/p-queue@6.6.2/node_modules/p-queue/dist/index.js:163:29) {
attemptNumber: 1,
retriesLeft: 2
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