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|> log() == 💧log(😄)
|> log() == 💧log(😄)



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Portland, OR

Andrew Bray andrewpbray

UC Berkeley Berkeley, CA

James Goldie jimjam-slam
#climatehealth → #datajournalism. Making things for fun and for social good ❤️

Melbourne, Australia

David Hugh-Jones hughjonesd
Social scientist, R hacker
Bioconductor Bioconductor
Software for the analysis and comprehension of high-throughput genomic data
James J Balamuta coatless
omnipresent explorer of the unknown, fashionably caffeinated informatics phd, amorous cavalier. design, build, analyze. #rstats #python @tmsalab

United States

Charlie Gao shikokuchuo
Director, Research Scientist

Hibiki AI Cambridge, United Kingdom

Matthew Grainger DrMattG

@NINAnor Trondheim, Norway

James Wade JamesHWade
Analytical chemist in industry working on materials characterization and data science. Interested in #rstats, modeling, & sustainability. Owner of many pets.

Dow Midland, MI

crisprVerse crisprVerse
Bioconductor ecosystem for CRISPR gRNA design
Quarto Journals quarto-journals
Journals Custom Formats for Quarto by the Quarto Team
Elio Campitelli eliocamp
PhD Student at University of Buenos Aires

Melbourne, Australia

Gordon Shotwell gshotwell

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Heather Turner hturner
Research Software Engineering Fellow, Department of Statistics, University of Warwick

University of Warwick Newport, United Kingdom

Mara Averick batpigandme

@tidyverse Missoula, MT

David Ochoa d0choa

EMBL-EBI Hinxton, UK

JuliaHealth JuliaHealth
Using the Julia programming language to improve medicine, health care, public health, and biomedical research.
mikefc coolbutuseless
Cool, but useless.


Anh Nguyet Vu anngvu

Orange County, CA

Casey Meyer caseydm
Software engineer at OurResearch. Guy who codes a lot.
Luong manhluong

Marks and Spencer London, UK

Trieu Le trieustats
A novice in R.


Massimo Aria massimoaria
Massimo Aria is a full professor in Statistics for Social Sciences at the Department of Economics and Statistics of the University of Naples Federico II

University of Naples Federico II ( Naples, Italy

Stephen Turner stephenturner
Data scientist in biotech, former academic, Principal Scientist and Head of Genomic Strategy at Colossal Biosciences

@colossal-compsci Charlottesville, VA

June Choe yjunechoe
PhD candidate in Linguistics

University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA

Silvia Canelón spcanelon
Biomedical & spatial data scientist. Independent data journalist. R educator.

University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA

John Blischak jdblischak
Freelance Scientific Software Developer

Ohio, USA

Roman Hillje romanhaa
Software Engineer at @benchling

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Daniel Bast dbast
Physicist, Data Scientist, Full Stack Software Engineer, Technical Lead, Big Data Solution Architect

Bavaria, Germany

Michał Krassowski krassowski
Mike for short. @jupyterlab maintainer, @jupyter Distinguished Contributor. Previously PhD researcher in omics integration/endometriosis.

@Quansight Oxford, UK

Miguel Raz Guzmán Macedo miguelraz
Wannabe time bandit. Computational physics. Julia. Any comments/critiques/suggestions/PRs more than encouraged. 👍 Always looking to learn! 👍


Augusto C. Leal AugustoCL
Passionate about data solutions. Use: Julia, Python, R, SQL and SAS. Interested in: ML/DataViz/Actuarial Science.

São Paulo

Colin Rundel rundel
Associate Professor of the Practice, Department of Statistical Science, Duke University R and computing enthusiast

Duke University Durham, NC

boB Rudis hrbrmstr
🇺🇦 Pampa • Don't look at me…I do what he does—just slower. #rstats avuncular•👨‍🍳•✝️• 💤• Varaforseti í Gögn Vísindi @ @GreyNoise-Intelligence +CMU Lecturer

GreyNoise Intelligence Maine

Federico Marini federicomarini
Virchow Fellow, Bioinformatician @ Institute of Medical Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics, Mainz (@imbeimainz)

University Medical Center, Mainz @imbeimainz Mainz

Leslie Emery leslem
Data scientist/engineer experienced in Python, R, and developing data pipelines. Alternate GH at:
just a functional a functional world :) PhD 🍬date. Mostly at the intersection of 💻 & Pure Math (Arith. Geometry + Alg. Graph Theory) + Quantum.

University of Vermont Ganymede

Athos Petri Damiani Athospd
Statistician. Machine Learning and R.

Bank of England | curso-R London, United Kingdom

Daniel Falbel dfalbel
software engineer @posit-dev (formerly @rstudio)

@rstudio @curso-r Brazil