Environment & Versions
- System: Linux : NixOS unstable
- Termusic version: 0.9.0
- Rust version: 1.78.0
Description of the Problem
It's working perfectly but there is a big delay between a song change and the time playerctl metadata change. It's not a big deal but I have the following script that I use to have a little player on my waybar and it doesn't change until minutes after the song change. The problem is specific to termusic (no problem with other players) and stays regardless of the backend (tried all of them). I might've missed something but I'm pretty sure this is my last resort.
playerctl_status=$(playerctl status 2>/dev/null)
if [[ $playerctl_status == "Playing" ]]; then
title=$(playerctl metadata title 2>/dev/null)
echo '{"text":" ","class":"playing","title":"$title"}'
elif [[ $playerctl_status == "Paused" ]]; then
title=$(playerctl metadata title 2>/dev/null)
echo '{"text":" ","class":"paused","title":"$title"}'
echo '{"text":""}'