With the only option in the client to use frequency, speed, and angle to determine when to send a location update I find I need to adjust those parameters depending on what I'm doing, i.e. walking, bicycling, driving, etc.
SmartBeaconing could be an option in addition to the current location update method.
SmartBeaconing adjusts the frequency of location updates based on the speed with more updates as the speed increases. It also considers the speed on turns as to when to send a location update.
Some SmartBeaconing info is at however the link to the algorithm is bad.
Here is a track I made last September using an APRS app called APRSDroid that uses SmartBeaconing.!ts=1694822400&te=1694908800&call=a%2FN5NA-5 As you can see it gives excellent tracking.
APRSDroid is an open source app located on Github which may provide some insight into implementation of SmartBeaconing.
More info at