Predict which factors led to employee attrition in a particular company
- Which variables are significant in predicting the Attrition of employee
- How well those variables describe the Attrition.
- Required to create model to predict employee attrition with the available independent variables
- This model will then be used by the management to understand the reason behin employee attrition
- They can accordingly manipulate the strategy of the company.
- The model will be a good way for management to create Hiring Strategy
- DailyRate, MonthlyIncome, MonthlyRate
- YearsAtCompany
- Age
- DistanceFromHome
- Frequent Business Travels
- sklearn - version 0.24.2
- numpy - version 1.20.3
- pandas - version 1.3.4
- seaborn - version 0.11.2
- matplotlib - version 3.4.3
Created by [@tosif91] - feel free to contact me!