🎨 All in One Prototyping Tool For Vue Developers.
Dec 13, 2023 - Vue
Mongoose is a MongoDB object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment. Mongoose includes built-in type casting, validation, query building, and business logic hooks.
🎨 All in One Prototyping Tool For Vue Developers.
The CUTEST Visual Novel / Galgame Forum! KUN Visual Novel project. KUN Visual Novel Forum 2nd generation!
🔥 基于Vue、Node.js(Express)、MongoDB搭建的个人博客blog&后台管理系统admin,承接毕业设计系统+解决疑难杂症,联系微信:zonemeen
loading full-stack developer 🚀
A Real-Time Collaborative Editor based on Vuejs, SocketIO and Vuetify. Uses MongoDB as the database and Mongoose as the ORM
Custom Authentication Boilerplate with JWT, ExpressJS, TypeScript and VueJS.
Nuxt 3: Drag & Drop upload multiple files to MongoDB using Multer. Delete file from the folder and mongodb
Created by LearnBoost
Released 2010
Latest release 2 days ago