⚙️ A dependency injection toolkit based on Go 1.18+ Generics.
Nov 26, 2024 - Go
The term "IoC" can mean multiple things:
⚙️ A dependency injection toolkit based on Go 1.18+ Generics.
🔍🔍 Malware scanner for cloud-native, as part of CI/CD and at Runtime 🔍🔍
🦄🌈 YoyoGo is a simple, light and fast , dependency injection based micro-service framework written in Go. Support Nacos ,Consoul ,Etcd ,Eureka ,kubernetes.
A lightweight yet powerful IoC dependency injection container for the Go programming language
Countries - ISO-639, ISO-3166 countries codes with subdivisions and names, ISO-4217 currency designators, ITU-T E.164 IDD phone codes, countries capitals, UN M.49 codes, IANA ccTLD countries domains, FIPS, IOC/NOC and FIFA codes, VERY VERY FAST, compatible with Databases/JSON/BSON/GOB/XML/CSV, Emoji countries flags and currencies, Unicode CLDR.
🛠 A full-featured dependency injection container for go programming language.
hiboot is a high performance web and cli application framework with dependency injection support
simple YARA-based IOC scanner
Extract indicators of compromise from text, including "escaped" ones.
Reverse engineered to remove IOCs, added Exchange Online Protection IP blacklist and bing-bot user-agent blocking, DNS configuration and notes on usage.
Chista | Open Threat Intelligence Framework
Go-Spring vision is to empower Go programmers with a powerful programming framework
[Archived] See https://github.com/goava/di.
a out-of-the-box, full-featured go framework supporting http, http2, websocket, tcp, udp, rpc and microservice
A lightweight Inversion of Control (IoC) (Dependency Injection) container for Golang
Web/micro-services and IoC framework for Golang developers