An android library for displaying fps from the choreographer and percentage of time with two or more frames dropped
Jul 19, 2019 - Java
A video game genre centered on gun and other weapon-based combat experienced through the eyes of the protagonist.
An android library for displaying fps from the choreographer and percentage of time with two or more frames dropped
Takt is Android library for measuring the FPS using Choreographer.
Android library to display various debugging information in an overlay window
A 1.19+ performance mod for the Fabric and Quilt modloaders.
An FPS demo made with jMonkeyEngine
A first person shooter game coded in Java with the LibGDX framework during the week-long LibGDX 15 Game Jam December 2020.
Multiplayer FPS Engine in Java
Android performance profiling tool
A pure Java Doom source port with classic (vanilla) and modern key controls ☕🍦
Minecraft 1.8.9 Optifine HD MD5 Ultra with fps improvements and optimizations
Reduces Minecraft's resource usage while it runs in the background.
Java Raycasting Game Engine
A job scheduler to schedule M jobs on N threads
Necro Client Mods Updater