Telegram Bot for creating Animal Crossing New Horizons Turnips markets in groups.
Dec 1, 2021 - Go
Animal Crossing is a video game series by Nintendo in which you play a human character who lives in a town populated by animals. Activities include fishing, digging up fossils, growing flowers, and catching bugs. The most recent game in the series is Animal Crossing: New Horizons on the Switch.
Telegram Bot for creating Animal Crossing New Horizons Turnips markets in groups.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons GraphQL API & Server
Nook is a Go package that exports the building blocks for Animal Crossing characters.
Discord bot written in Go to track Turnip prices
A hacky, messy - but stable - tool written to easily extract animal crossing birthdays from the wiki and add them to a Google Calendar.
Animal Crossing Daily Bot for Telegram
Released April 14, 2001