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ESPHome Dashboard


If you are using an ESP32 without PSRAM this does not seem to work with esphome 2025.2.0+. I recommend using an older version of esphome until I find a solution.

A simple Go service to render a custom HTML/CSS dashboard as a PNG image from Home Assistant entities.

This service is intended to be used with ESPHome devices that have a display and can show a PNG image.

Dashboard in picture frame from IKEA from the front Dashboard in picture frame from IKEA from the side

Dashboard in picture frame from IKEA from the top Dashboard in picture frame from IKEA from the back

Table of Contents

Click to expand


  • Customizable dashboard with HTML/CSS/JS & Go template
  • Fetch data from Home Assistant entities, actions & calendars
  • Render the dashboard as a PNG image or HTML/CSS/JS
  • Cycle through multiple pages of the dashboard (via interval or touch sensitive buttons)
  • Use the Home Assistant REST API to fetch data
  • ESPHome device configuration for ESP32 with WaveShare 7.5inch e-Paper HAT (v2) display & touch sensitive buttons


You can either run the binary directly on your machine or use the provided Docker image.

Docker Compose

Here is an example compose.yml file to get you started:

    container_name: esphome-dashboard
    restart: unless-stopped
      # Mount your configuration file
      - ./config.toml:/var/lib/esphome-dashboard/config.toml
      # Mount your dashboard configuration & templates
      - ./dashboards/:/var/lib/esphome-dashboard/dashboards/
      # Expose the service on port 8080
      - "8080:8080"



The configuration is done via a TOML file. You can find an example configuration in the example directory.

To get a Home Assistant API token, follow the instructions here.

# Enable hot reloading of the built-in templates (only useful for development)
dev = false
# The address the server should listen on
listen_addr = ""
# The port the server should listen on
listen_port = 8080
# The directory where your dashboards are stored
dashboard_dir = "/var/lib/esphome-dashboard/dashboards/"

# The log level (debug, info, warn, error)
level = "info"
# The log format (text, json, log-fmt)
format = "text"
# Whether to add the source location to the log output
add_source = true
# Whether to add the log level to the log output (only useful for text format)
no_color = false

# The Home Assistant configuration (optional)
# The hostname/IP of your Home Assistant instance
host = "localhost"
# The port of your Home Assistant instance
port = 80
# Whether to use HTTPS or HTTP to connect to Home Assistant
secure = false
# The Home Assistant API token
token = ""

Dashboard Configuration

The dashboard configuration is also done via a TOML file. You can find an example configuration here.

# The width in pixels of the dashboard (should be the same as the display width)
width = 800
# The height in pixels of the dashboard (should be the same as the display height)
height = 480
# The base template to use for the dashboard
# The path is relative to the dashboard directory
base = 'base.gohtml'
# The pages which can be injected into the base template
# The paths are relative to the dashboard directory
pages = [

# The Home Assistant configuration (optional)
# The entities to fetch from Home Assistant
entities = [
    { name = 'Forecast', id = 'weather.forecast_home' },
# The calendars to fetch from Home Assistant (optional)
# name: The name of the calendar (used in the template)
# ids: The IDs of the calendars entities which should be fetched and merged
# days: The number of days to fetch events for (please note it we always start fetching from the week start (Monday))
# max_events: The maximum number of events to fetch from all calendars combined (optional)
# skip_past_events: Whether to skip past events (optional)
calendars = [
    { name = 'Mealie', ids = ['calendar.mealie_dinner', 'calendar.mealie_lunch'], days = 7 },
    { name = 'Calendar', ids = ['calendar.konzerte', 'calendar.urlaub', 'calendar.feiertage'], days = 28 },
    { name = 'Timeline', ids = ['calendar.konzerte', 'calendar.urlaub', 'calendar.feiertage'], days = 28, max_events = 10, skip_past_events = true },
    { name = 'PokemonGo', ids = ['calendar.pokemon_go_local_events'], days = 28, max_events = 10, skip_past_events = true },
# The services to call from Home Assistant (optional)
# name: The name of the service (used in the template)
# domain: The domain of the service
# service: The service to call
# return_response: Whether the service returns a response (optional)
# data: The data to send to the service (optional)
services = [
    { name = 'WeatherForecasts', domain = 'weather', service = 'get_forecasts', return_response = true, data = { entity_id = 'weather.forecast_home', type = 'daily' } },

ESPHome Configuration

Here is an example ESPHome configuration for an ESP32 with a WaveShare 7.5inch e-Paper HAT (v2) display & touch sensitive buttons.

Make sure to copy config/common/dashboard-base.yaml to your ESPHome configuration directory (e.g. esphome/common/dashboard-base.yaml).

  dashboard: !include
    file: common/dashboard-base.yaml
      touch_threshold: 1000 # Change this to a higher value if the touch buttons are too sensitive
      display_rotation:  # Change this to 90°, 180° or 270° if your display is rotated
      base_url: '' # Change this to the IP of your dashboard server
      dashboard_name: 'default' # Change this to the name of your dashboard

  name: dashboard
  friendly_name: Dashboard
  name_add_mac_suffix: false

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password


The dashboard is rendered using Go templates. You can find an example dashboard in the example directory.

To get started with go templates I recommend reading the text/template and the html/template documentation.

Base Template

The base template is a Go template which can be used to render the dashboard. You can find an example base template here. This template then includes the other pages which can be injected into the base template.

You can include the current Page with the following code:

{{ template "page" . }}

Each page is additionally a Go template with the filename as the template name.

You can include the other pages with the following code:

{{ template "forecast.gohtml" . }}

You can also include frontmatter in the templates to pass additional data to the template which is available in the Vars variable. For pages they are available via {{ .Page.Vars }} and {{ $page index .Pages 0 }} {{ $page.Vars }} for the base template.

title: "Weather"
<span>{{ .Vars.title }}</span>

You can include assets via the assets directory in the dashboard directory. The assets are then available via the /dashboards/{dashboard}/assets/ route. You can use a relative path to the assets directory in the template. For example, to include a CSS file you can use the following code:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="../assets/style.css">

Here is the example base template:

    @font-face {
        font-family: 'Gotham Round';
        font-style: normal;
        src: url("../assets/gothamrnd.otf") format("opentype");

    * {
        box-sizing: border-box;

    html, body {
        height: 100%;
        width: 100%;
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        font-family: 'Gotham Round', system-ui;

    body {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;

    h1 {
        margin: 0;
        font-size: 40px;
        text-transform: uppercase;
        font-weight: bolder;

    .page {
        width: 100%;
        flex-grow: 1;
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;
        align-items: center;
        overflow: hidden;

    .container {
        height: 100%;
        width: 100%;
        padding: 0 10px;
<body id="root">
<div class="page">
    {{ template "page" . }}
{{ template "pages" . }}
{{ template "gen-time" }}

Page Template

The page template gets injected into the base template and can be used to render the content you want to display. You can find an example page template here.

Styles and scripts are shared between the base and page templates.

This template calls the built-in forecast template which displays the weather forecast using the Home Assistant Weather Forecast action.

It expects the following data to be passed to the template:

  • Now: The current weather forecast entity from Home Assistant
  • Forecast: The weather forecast service response from Home Assistant
<div class="container">
    {{ $now := index .HomeAssistant.Entities.Forecast }}
    {{ $forecast := index .HomeAssistant.Services.WeatherForecasts.ServiceResponse "weather.forecast_home" }}
    {{ template "forecast" dict "Now" $now "Forecast" $forecast }}

Template Variables

The following variables are available in the dashboard templates:

  • PageIndex: The current page index
  • Page: The current page (this is a method)
    • Index: The index of the page
    • Vars: The frontmatter of the page
  • PageCount: The total number of pages
  • Pages: The list of pages
    • Index: The index of the page
    • Vars: The frontmatter of the page
  • Vars: The frontmatter of the base template
  • HomeAssistant: The Home Assistant entities, calendars & services
    • Entities: The entities to fetch from Home Assistant
      • <Name>: The entity name defined in the configuration
        • EntityID: The entity ID
        • LastChanged: The last changed timestamp (this is a time.Time struct)
        • LastUpdated: The last updated timestamp (this is a time.Time struct)
        • State: The state of the entity
        • Attributes: The attributes of the entity (this is a map[string]any)
    • Calendars: The calendars to fetch from Home Assistant
      • <Name>: The calendar name defined in the configuration (this is a map[string][]CalendarDay where CalendarDay is a struct)
        • Time: The day timestamp (this is a time.Time struct)
        • IsPast: Whether the day is in the past
        • IsToday: Whether the day is today
        • Events: The events of the day as a list
          • Start: The event start timestamp (this is a Date struct)
          • End: The event end timestamp (this is a Date struct)
          • Summary: The event summary
          • Description: The event description
          • Location: The event location
    • Services: The services to call from Home Assistant
      • <Name>: The service name defined in the configuration (this is a map[string]Response where Response is a struct)
        • ChangedStates: The changed states of the service as a list
          • EntityID: The entity ID
          • LastChanged: The last changed timestamp (this is a time.Time struct)
          • LastUpdated: The last updated timestamp (this is a time.Time struct)
          • State: The state of the entity
          • Attributes: The attributes of the entity (this is a map[string]any)
        • ServiceResponse: The service response (this is a map[string]any)

Template Functions

The following functions are available in the dashboard templates in addition to the built-in functions:

  • seq: Generates a sequence of integers from 0 to n-1
    • n: The number of integers to generate
  • reverse: Reverses a list
    • list: The list to reverse
  • parseTime: Parses a RFC3339 time string into a [time.Time]( struct
    • s: The time string to parse
  • formatTimeToDay: Formats a time into a day string (e.g. Mon 02 Jan)
    • t: The time to format
  • formatTimeToRelDay: Formats a time into a relative day string (e.g. Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday, Mon 02 Jan)
    • t: The time to format
  • convertNewLinesToBR: Converts new lines to <br> tags
    • s: The string to convert
  • safeHTML: Marks a string as safe HTML so it is not escaped
    • s: The string to mark as safe
  • safeCSS: Marks a string as safe CSS so it is not escaped
    • s: The string to mark as safe
  • safeJS: Marks a string as safe JS so it is not escaped
    • s: The string to mark as safe
  • safeHTMLAttr: Marks a string as safe HTML attribute so it is not escaped
    • s: The string to mark as safe
  • safeURL: Marks a string as safe URL so it is not escaped
    • s: The string to mark as safe
  • safeJS: Marks a string as safe JS so it is not escaped
    • s: The string to mark as safe
  • safeJSStr: Marks a string as safe JS string so it is not escaped
    • s: The string to mark as safe
  • safeSrcset: Marks a string as safe srcset so it is not escaped
    • s: The string to mark as safe
  • dict: Creates a map[string]any from a list of key-value pairs
    • kvs: The list of key-value pairs (e.g. dict "key1" value1 "key2" value2)


The API is a simple REST API which can be used to find the next page based on an action or get a specific page as a PNG image or HTML file.

Get Control

This endpoint is used to get the next page index based on an action.

GET /dashboards/{dashboard}/control

Query Parameters:

Name Description
action The action to perform (refresh, next_page, last_page, prev_page, first_page)


404 Not Found

200 OK:

  • Content-Type: text/plain

the next page index

Get Page

GET /dashboards/{dashboard}/pages/{page}

Query Parameters:

Name Default Description
format html The format of the response (html, png, jpeg or bmp)


404 Not Found

200 OK:

  • Content-Type: image/png

  • Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

Get Version

GET /version


  • 200 OK:
Dashboard v0.0.0-20250214131520-b8b38f8257cf+dirty (Go go1.24.0)


ESPHome Dashboard is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.


Contributions are always welcome! Just open a pull request or discussion and I will take a look at it.
