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Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Install-Module Posh365 -Force
Install without Admin Access
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser -Force
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Install-Module Posh365 -Force -Scope CurrentUser
Update Posh365
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Install-Module Posh365 -Force
Import-Module Posh365 -Force


Connect-Cloud Connect to one or more services: Az, AzureAD, Compliance, Exo2, MSOnline, SharePoint & Teams. Credentials are locally encrypted for reuse - no need to reenter credentials the next time you need to connect.

Connect-Cloud -Tenant Contoso -EXO2 -MSOnline -AzureAD
Connect-Cloud -Tenant Contoso -EXO2 -MSOnline -AzureAD -GCCHIGH
Connect-Cloud -Tenant Contoso -EXO2 -MFA #when using MFA
Connect-Cloud -Tenant Contoso -Teams
Connect-Cloud -Tenant Contoso -Teams -GCCHIGH
Connect-Cloud -Tenant Contoso -AZ
Connect-Cloud -Tenant Contoso -AZ -GCCHIGH
Connect-Cloud -Tenant Contoso -SharePoint
Connect-Cloud -Tenant Contoso -Compliance
Connect-Cloud -Tenant Contoso -DeleteCreds #Deletes locally encrypted creds only

New-ExoCBAConnection Create reusable Exchange Online Certificate Based Authentication (CBA) connections

New-ExoCBAConnection -Tenant Contoso
Connect-Cloud -Tenant Contoso -EXOCBA


Connect-CloudMFA Same as Connect-Cloud but includes built-in password manager GUI

Connect-CloudMFA -Tenant Contoso -EXO2 -MSOnline -AzureAD -Teams

Connect-Exchange Connect to Exchange on-premises

Connect-Exchange -Server EXHybrid #Encrypts and reuses creds locally
Connect-Exchange -Server EXHybrid -DontViewEntireForest
Connect-Exchange -Server EXHybrid -DeleteExchangeCreds #Deletes locally encrypted creds only

Export-GraphConfig Use a GUI to save/encrypt ClientID, TenantID, Secret, UserName & Password Connect-PoshGraph Use saved encrypted credentials to connnect to Graph and Azure APIs

Export-GraphConfig -Tenant Contoso
Connect-PoshGraph -Tenant Contoso

Discover Office 365

Get-DiscoveryOffice365 -Tenant Contoso -Verbose

Choose all items & click OK Choose Connection type & click OK

First time running this? Let's install PowerShellGet2:

1. Run: Connect-Cloud -Tenant Contoso -EXO2 2. Sign in as Global Admin & restart powershell when prompted 3. Run: Get-DiscoveryOffice365 -Tenant Contoso -Verbose

Discover On-Premises

Requires RSAT

Get-DiscoveryOnPrem -Verbose

1. Run: Get-Discovery -Verbose 2. Enter name of Exchange Server when prompted 3. Click link for Batches, copy/paste code on-premises 4. Click link for Permissions, copy/paste code on-premises 5. Add both documents to the root of SharePoint > Documents 6. Add BATCH01 to BatchName column in Batches.xlsx for pilot

Document to add to SharePoint Paste code on-premises (not EMS)

Migrate from Hybrid to Office 365

Note: Each command presents a GUI for selection and confirmation Connect to Exchange Online. Connect-Cloud -Tenant Contoso -EXO2

Analyze Permissions

Update-MailboxMovePermissionBatch GUI to analyze permissions of mailboxes from Batches.xlsx. Will output new Batches.xlsx to desktop. Can add to SharePoint as new Batches file.

$params = @{
    SharePointURL = ''
    ExcelFile     = 'Batches.xlsx'
Update-MailboxMovePermissionBatch @params


Test-MailboxMove Test migration readiness of the mailboxes from Batches.xlsx. Of each user to be migrated, reports PASS or FAIL overall and individual on the following tests:

  • Verifies each smtp address domain is an accepted domain
  • Verifies mail user exists in Exchange Online
  • Verifies mailbox does not exist in Exchange Online
  • Verifies mail user is DirSynced
  • Verifies UserMailboxes accounts are not disabled
  • Verifies Routing Address is valid
  • Verifies UserPrincipalName matches PrimarySmtpAddress (Use -SkipUpnMatchSmtpTest to skip this test)
$params = @{
    SharePointURL = ''
    ExcelFile     = 'Batches.xlsx'
Test-MailboxMove @params

New-MailboxMove Creates new move requests. Example uses batches file in SP site named "migrate". Use links in Discovery On-Premises to create Batches and Permissions files [ Link ]

$params = @{
    SharePointURL = ''
    ExcelFile     = 'Batches.xlsx'
    RemoteHost    = ''
    Tenant        = 'contoso'
New-MailboxMove @params
# For GCC/GCCHIGH tenants: use full tenant address as shown below:
$params = @{
    SharePointURL = ''
    ExcelFile     = 'Batches.xlsx'
    RemoteHost    = ''
    Tenant        = ''
New-MailboxMove @params

Set-MailboxMove Set move requests

Set-MailboxMove -BadItemLimit 300 -LargeItemLimit 400

Suspend-MailboxMove Suspends move requests


Resume-MailboxMove Resumes move requests

Resume-MailboxMove -DontAutoComplete

Remove-MailboxMove Removes move requests


Complete-MailboxMove Complete move requests

Complete-MailboxMove -Schedule #GUI presented to pick time, date, and users

Report on Migration

Get-MailboxMoveStatistics Gets move request statistics for any or all move requests. Multi-select or select all, click OK

Get-MailboxMoveStatistics -IncludeCompleted

Get-MailboxMoveReport Gets full move request report - from present to past. The way it should be



Set-MailboxMoveLicense GUI to license users via AzureAD

Connect to AzureAD Connect-Cloud -Tenant Contoso -AzureAD

Set-MailboxMoveLicense -MailboxCSV .\UserPrincipalName.csv

$params = @{
    SharePointURL = ''
    ExcelFile     = 'Batches.xlsx'
Set-MailboxMoveLicense @params

Get-MailboxMoveLicense Reports on user license Skus via AzureAD

Get-MailboxMoveLicense -OneSkuPerLine
Get-MailboxMoveLicense -OneSkuPerLine -ExportToExcel # file saved in Posh365 folder on desktop
Get-MailboxMoveLicense -IncludeRecipientType # Connect to EXO2

$params = @{
    SharePointURL = ''
    ExcelFile     = 'Batches.xlsx'
Get-MailboxMoveLicense @params

Get-MailboxMoveLicenseCount Reports on a tenant's consumed and total skus and options


Get-MailboxMoveLicenseReport Reports on each user's assigned skus and options, csv and excel output

Get-MailboxMoveLicenseReport -Path C:\temp\

Mail Flow

Message Trace

Trace-Message GUI to trace Exchange Online messages. Select messages & click OK for trace details

Trace-Message # all messages from past 15 minutes
Trace-Message -StartSearchHoursAgo 6.3 -EndSearchHoursAgo 5 -Subject 'From the CEO'
Trace-Message -StartSearchHoursAgo 10 -Sender
Trace-Message -Sender -Recipient

Trace-ExchangeMessage GUI to trace on-premises messages. Select messages & click OK for messageID details

Trace-ExchangeMessage # all messages from past 15 minutes
Trace-ExchangeMessage -StartSearchHoursAgo 10 -ExportToCsv
Trace-ExchangeMessage -StartSearchHoursAgo 10 -ExportToExcel -SkipHealthMessages


Managed Folder Assistant

Get-MfaStats Return Managed Folder Assistant statistics as an object. Switch to start the MFA too

'' | Get-MfaStats
'' | Get-MfaStats -StartMFA
(Import-CSV .\mailboxes.csv).UserPrincipalName | Get-MfaStats
(Import-CSV .\mailboxes.csv).UserPrincipalName | Get-MfaStats -StartMFA
(Get-EXOMailbox -Properties Office -Filter "Office -eq 'Redmond'").UserPrincipalName | Get-MfaStats
(Get-EXOMailbox -Properties Office -Filter "Office -eq 'Redmond'").UserPrincipalName | Get-MfaStats -StartMFA


Office365 Endpoints

Get-OfficeEndpoints URLs and IPs, initial and "changes since", CSV and Excel output (click to enlarge)



Connect. Provision. Maintain.






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