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Update Changelog for v15
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zpao committed Apr 7, 2016
1 parent b2bce13 commit 8537296
Showing 1 changed file with 84 additions and 0 deletions.
84 changes: 84 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,3 +1,87 @@
## 15.0.0 (April 7, 2016)

### Major changes

- **Initial render now uses `document.createElement` instead of generating HTML.** Previously we would generate a large string of HTML and then set `node.innerHTML`. At the time, this was decided to be faster than using `document.createElement` for the majority of cases and browsers that we supported. Browsers have continued to improve and so overwhelmingly this is no longer true. By using `createElement` we can make other parts of React faster. (<small>)[@spicyj]( in [#5205](
- **`data-reactid` is no longer on every node.** As a result of using `document.createElement`, we can prime the node cache as we create DOM nodes, allowing us to skip a potential lookup (which used the `data-reactid` attribute). Root nodes will have a `data-reactroot` attribute and server generated markup will still contain `data-reactid`. (<small>)[@spicyj]( in [#5205](
- **No more extra `<span>`s.** ReactDOM will now render plain text nodes interspersed with comment nodes that are used for demarcation. This gives us the same ability to update individual pieces of text, without creating extra nested nodes. If you were targeting these `<span>`s in your CSS, you will need to adjust accordingly. You can always render them explicitly in your components. ([@mwiencek]( in [#5753](
- **Rendering `null` now uses comment nodes.** Previously `null` would render to `<noscript>` elements. We now use comment nodes. This may cause issues if making use of `:nth-child` CSS selectors. While we consider this rendering behavior an implementation detail of React, it's worth noting the potential problem. ()[@spicyj]( in [#5451](
- **Functional components can now return `null`.** We added support for [defining stateless components as functions](/react/blog/2015/09/10/react-v0.14-rc1.html#stateless-function-components) in React 0.14. However, React 0.14 still allowed you to define a class component without extending `React.Component` or using `React.createClass()`, so [we couldn’t reliably tell if your component is a function or a class](, and did not allow returning `null` from it. This issue is solved in React 15, and you can now return `null` from any component, whether it is a class or a function. ([@jimfb]( in [#5884](
- **Improved SVG support.** All SVG tags are now fully supported. (Uncommon SVG tags are not present on the `React.DOM` element helper, but JSX and `React.createElement` work on all tag names.) All SVG attributes that are implemented by the browsers should be supported too. If you find any attributes that we have missed, please [let us know in this issue]( ([@zpao]( in [#6243](

### Breaking changes

- **No more extra `<span>`s.**
- **`React.cloneElement()` now resolves `defaultProps`.** We fixed a bug in `React.cloneElement()` that some components may rely on. If some of the `props` received by `cloneElement()` are `undefined`, it used to return an element with `undefined` values for those props. We’re changing it to be consistent with `createElement()`. Now any `undefined` props passed to `cloneElement()` are resolved to the corresponding component’s `defaultProps`. ([@truongduy134]( in [#5997](
- **`ReactPerf.getLastMeasurements()` is opaque.** This change won’t affect applications but may break some third-party tools. We are [revamping `ReactPerf` implementation]( and plan to release it during the 15.x cycle. The internal performance measurement format is subject to change so, for the time being, we consider the return value of `ReactPerf.getLastMeasurements()` an opaque data structure that should not be relied upon. ([@gaearon]( in [#6286](

#### Removed deprecations

These deprecations were introduced nine months ago in v0.14 with a warning and are removed:

- Deprecated APIs are removed from the `React` top-level export: `findDOMNode`, `render`, `renderToString`, `renderToStaticMarkup`, and `unmountComponentAtNode`. As a reminder, they are now available on `ReactDOM` and `ReactDOMServer`. ([@jimfb]( in [#5832](
- Deprecated addons are removed: `batchedUpdates` and `cloneWithProps`. ([@jimfb]( in [#5859](, [@zpao]( in [#6016](
- Deprecated component instance methods are removed: `setProps`, `replaceProps`, and `getDOMNode`. ([@jimfb]( in [#5570](
- Deprecated CommonJS `react/addons` entry point is removed. As a reminder, you should use separate `react-addons-*` packages instead. This only applies if you use the CommonJS builds. ([@gaearon]( in [#6285](
- Passing `children` to void elements like `<input>` was deprecated, and now throws an error. ([@jonhester]( in [#3372](
- React-specific properties on DOM `refs` (e.g. `this.refs.div.props`) were deprecated, and are removed now. ([@jimfb]( in [#5495](

### New deprecations, introduced with a warning

Each of these changes will continue to work as before with a new warning until the release of React 16 so you can upgrade your code gradually.

- `LinkedStateMixin` and `valueLink` are now deprecated due to very low popularity. If you need this, you can use a wrapper component that implements the same behavior: [react-linked-input]( ([@jimfb]( in [#6127](
- Future versions of React will treat `<input value={null}>` as a request to clear the input. However, React 0.14 has been ignoring `value={null}`. React 15 warns you on a `null` input value and offers you to clarify your intention. To fix the warning, you may explicitly pass an empty string to clear a controlled input, or pass `undefined` to make the input uncontrolled. ([@antoaravinth]( in [#5048](
- `ReactPerf.printDOM()` was renamed to `ReactPerf.printOperations()`, and `ReactPerf.getMeasurementsSummaryMap()` was renamed to `ReactPerf.getWasted()`. ([@gaearon]( in [#6287](

### New helpful warnings

- If you use a minified copy of the _development_ build, React DOM kindly encourages you to use the faster production build instead. ([@spicyj]( in [#5083](
- React DOM: When specifying a unit-less CSS value as a string, a future version will not add `px` automatically. This version now warns in this case (ex: writing `style={{'{{'}}width: '300'}}`. Unitless *number* values like `width: 300` are unchanged. ([@pluma]( in [#5140](
- Synthetic Events will now warn when setting and accessing properties (which will not get cleared appropriately), as well as warn on access after an event has been returned to the pool. ([@kentcdodds]( in [#5940]( and [@koba04]( in [#5947](
- Elements will now warn when attempting to read `ref` and `key` from the props. ([@prometheansacrifice]( in [#5744](
- React will now warn if you pass a different `props` object to `super()` in the constructor. ([@prometheansacrifice]( in [#5346](
- React will now warn if you call `setState()` inside `getChildContext()`. ([@raineroviir]( in [#6121](
- React DOM now attempts to warn for mistyped event handlers on DOM elements, such as `onclick` which should be `onClick`. ([@ali]( in [#5361](
- React DOM now warns about `NaN` values in `style`. ([@jontewks]( in [#5811](
- React DOM now warns if you specify both `value` and `defaultValue` for an input. ([@mgmcdermott]( in [#5823](
- React DOM now warns if an input switches between being controlled and uncontrolled. ([@TheBlasfem]( in [#5864](
- React DOM now warns if you specify `onFocusIn` or `onFocusOut` handlers as they are unnecessary in React. ([@jontewks]( in [#6296](
- React now prints a descriptive error message when you pass an invalid callback as the last argument to `ReactDOM.render()`, `this.setState()`, or `this.forceUpdate()`. ([@conorhastings]( in [#5193]( and [@gaearon]( in [#6310](
- Add-Ons: `TestUtils.Simulate()` now prints a helpful message if you attempt to use it with shallow rendering. ([@conorhastings]( in [#5358](
- PropTypes: `arrayOf()` and `objectOf()` provide better error messages for invalid arguments. ([@chicoxyzzy]( in [#5390](

### Notable bug fixes

- Fixed multiple small memory leaks. ([@spicyj]( in [#4983]( and [@victor-homyakov]( in [#6309](
- Input events are handled more reliably in IE 10 and IE 11; spurious events no longer fire when using a placeholder. ([@jquense]( in [#4051](
- The `componentWillReceiveProps()` lifecycle method is now consistently called when `context` changes. ([@milesj]( in [#5787](
- `React.cloneElement()` doesn’t append slash to an existing `key` when used inside ``. ([@ianobermiller]( in [#5892](
- React DOM now supports the `cite` and `profile` HTML attributes. ([@AprilArcus]( in [#6094]( and [@saiichihashimoto]( in [#6032](
- React DOM now supports `cssFloat`, `gridRow` and `gridColumn` CSS properties. ([@stevenvachon]( in [#6133]( and [@mnordick]( in [#4779](
- React DOM now correctly handles `borderImageOutset`, `borderImageWidth`, `borderImageSlice`, `floodOpacity`, `strokeDasharray`, and `strokeMiterlimit` as unitless CSS properties. ([@rofrischmann]( in [#6210]( and [#6270](
- React DOM now supports the `onAnimationStart`, `onAnimationEnd`, `onAnimationIteration`, `onTransitionEnd`, and `onInvalid` events. Support for `onLoad` has been added to `object` elements. ([@tomduncalf]( in [#5187](, [@milesj]( in [#6005](, and [@ara4n]( in [#5781](
- React DOM now defaults to using DOM attributes instead of properties, which fixes a few edge case bugs. Additionally the nullification of values (ex: `href={null}`) now results in the forceful removal, no longer trying to set to the default value used by browsers in the absence of a value. ([@syranide]( in [#1510](
- React DOM does not mistakingly coerce `children` to strings for Web Components. ([@jimfb]( in [#5093](
- React DOM now correctly normalizes SVG `<use>` events. ([@edmellum]( in [#5720](
- React DOM does not throw if a `<select>` is unmounted while its `onChange` handler is executing. ([@sambev]( in [#6028](
- React DOM does not throw in Windows 8 apps. ([@Andrew8xx8]( in [#6063](
- React DOM does not throw when asynchronously unmounting a child with a `ref`. ([@yiminghe]( in [#6095](
- React DOM no longer forces synchronous layout because of scroll position tracking. ([@syranide]( in [#2271](
- `` is used in a number of places to compare values, which leads to fewer false positives, especially involving `NaN`. In particular, this affects the `shallowCompare` add-on. ([@chicoxyzzy]( in [#6132](
- Add-Ons: ReactPerf no longer instruments adding or removing an event listener because they don’t really touch the DOM due to event delegation. ([@antoaravinth]( in [#5209](

### Other improvements

- React now uses `loose-envify` instead of `envify` so it installs less transitive dependencies. ([@qerub]( in [#6303](
- Shallow renderer now exposes `getMountedInstance()`. ([@glenjamin]( in [#4918](
- Shallow renderer now returns the rendered output from `render()`. ([@simonewebdesign]( in [#5411](
- React no longer depends on ES5 *shams* for `Object.create` and `Object.freeze` in older environments. It still, however, requires ES5 *shims* in those environments. ([@dgreensp]( in [#4959](
- React DOM now allows `data-` attributes with names that start with numbers. ([@nLight]( in [#5216](
- React DOM adds a new `suppressContentEditableWarning` prop for components like [Draft.js]( that intentionally manage `contentEditable` children with React. ([@mxstbr]( in [#6112](
- React improves the performance for `createClass()` on complex specs. ([@spicyj]( in [#5550](

## 0.14.8 (March 29, 2016)

### React
Expand Down

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