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IIS-to-Prometheus log file exporter

Service that continuously reads newest IIS log files from given directory, parses them using Grok and exports them to Prometheus.

Configuration file

Configuration needs to be placed in the config.hcl file. HCL format is must have. Here's an example file:

listen {
#  port = 4040               # Default is 4040
#  address = ""       # Default is ""

consul {
#  enable = true                        # Default is true
#  name = "IISLogExporter"              # Default is "IISLogExporter"
#  address = "http://localhost:8500"    # Default is "http://localhost:8500"
#  deregister_on_service_stop = true    # Default is false

metric {
  metric_prefix = "iis"
  labels = ["app", "method", "status", "uri", "endpoint"]

logger {
#  output_log_dir = "C:\\logs"    # Default is "<exeDirectory>\logs"
#  rotate_every_mb = 10           # Default is 10
#  number_of_files = 0            # Default is 0
#  files_max_age = 0              # Default is 0

site "Example1" {
  logs_dir = "C:\\example1"
  label_rules = [
      label_name = "app"                    # Name pointing to label from metric section
      fixed_value = "Example1"              # This exact value will be set to label
      label_name = "method"
      source = "method"                     # Field name from grok. Label value will be set basing on this field. Default is value of label_name

      rules = [
          pattern = "copyFromSource"        # Copy exact value from grok field to label
      label_name = "status"
      source = "status"
      rules = [
          pattern = "copyFromSource"
      label_name = "uri"
      source = "uri"
      rules = [
          pattern = "copyFromSource"
      label_name = "endpoint"
      source = "uri"
      rules = [
         pattern = "/example/{someId}/endpoint"
         label_value = "exampleEndpoint"              # If source matches pattern then label will be set to this value
         pattern = "/help{+path}"
         label_value = "anotherExampleEndpoint"
  pattern = "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:logtime} %{WORD:sitename} %{NOTSPACE:computername} %{IPORHOST:ip} %{WORD:method} %{NOTSPACE:uri} %{NOTSPACE:query} %{NUMBER:port} %{NOTSPACE:username} %{IPORHOST:client_ip} %{NOTSPACE:useragent} %{NOTSPACE:referrer} %{IPORHOST:address}(?:\\:%{NUMBER})? %{NUMBER:status} %{NUMBER:substatus} %{NUMBER:win32_status} %{NUMBER:bytes_sent} %{NUMBER:bytes_received} %{NUMBER:time_taken}"


In config.hcl you can configure integration with Consul. You can provide values for following options:

  • enable - Enables Consul registration
  • name - Name of the service
  • address - Consul adrress
  • deregister_on_service_stop = true - Enables deregistration from Consul when service is stopped


You can also configure labels for your metrics and prefix value.

This exporter collects the following metrics:

  • <prefix>_http_response_count_total - The total amount of processed HTTP requests/responses.
  • <prefix>_http_response_size_bytes - A summary vector of the total amount of transferred content in response in bytes
  • <prefix>_http_request_size_bytes - A summary vector of the total amount of transferred content in request in bytes
  • <prefix>_http_response_time_miliseconds - A summary vector of the total response times in miliseconds.


You can define multiple site sections in config file. It's mandatory to specify directory with IIS log files to observe. Also you have to provide grok pattern to parse log lines. Make sure you have bytes_sent, bytes_received and time_taken fields in your grok pattern. For every label specified in metric section you should specify a rule. There are 3 options:

  1. Set label value to fixed string (only label_name and fixed_value are mandatory)
  2. Copy value from one of the grok fields (label_name and pattern = "copyFromSource" are mandatory)
  3. Use uri patterns (rfc6570) to match one of the grok fields and set label to custom value (label_name, pattern and label_value are mandatory)

Notice: In options 2 and 3 source is set the same as label_name by default. Eg. for label "method" exporter will be looking for grok field "method". You can overwrite this behaviour providing your own source field in config.hcl.

Labels without any rule are set to "UNKNOWN".

In 3 option label will be matched according to rfc6570 standard. For instance:

  • label pattern example/{someId}/endpoint will match example/123/endpoint, example/456/endpoint, replacing id's with {someId} token
  • label pattern help{+path} will match help, help/example, help/123/files and any other uri with prefix help

Build, install and run

To build the exporter just run build.ps1 script. It will create a bin folder with exe file and a copy of config.hcl file.

To install exporter as Windows service, just run IISLogExporter.exe with install argument.

You can run the service by clicking on the Start in Windows Services Manager.

Metric will be available on <address>:<port>/Metrics endpoint.



Export metrics from iis log files to Prometheus







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