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Deploys ACME Fitness application across different environments


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ACME Fitness Store

ACME Fitness store is a fictional, online sporting goods retail store. This repository contains the source code and deployment resources for the ACME Fitness store application.


An image showing the services involved in the ACME Fitness Store. It depicts the applications and their dependencies

This application is composed of several services:

  • 4 Java Spring Boot applications:

    • A catalog service for fetching available products.
    • A payment service for processing and approving payments for users' orders
    • An identity service for referencing the authenticated user
    • An assist service for infusing AI into fitness store
  • 1 Python application:

    • A cart service for managing a users' items that have been selected for purchase
  • 1 ASP.NET Core applications:

    • An order service for placing orders to buy products that are in the users' carts
  • 1 Node.js and static HTML Application

    • A frontend shopping application

The sample can be deployed to Azure Spring Apps Enterprise or Tanzu Platform.

Repo Organization

Directory Purpose
apps/ source code for the services
e2e/ end to end frontend tests
local-development/ local docker configuration (documentation)


Tanzu Platform for Cloud Foundry (tPCF aka TAS)

Assumption that the proper Cloud Foundry CLI has been installed.

Create Services

cf create-service p.redis on-demand-cache acme-redis 
cf create-service postgres on-demand-postgres-db acme-postgres
cf create-service postgres on-demand-postgres-db acme-assist-postgres
cf create-service postgres on-demand-postgres-db acme-order.yml-postgres       

# This sets up your TAS/tPCF config server. It assumes that your config files are located at <this-repository-url> in the branch config (label) under the directory config (searchPaths). You can checkout the branch to see the structure if you like.
cf create-service p.config-server standard acme-config  -c  '{ "git": { "uri": "<this-repository-url>", "label": "config", "searchPaths": "config" } }'

# This assumes Tanzu Single Sign on for TAS/tPCF is installed and configured against UAA.  You can also use other identity providers if you change the plan and binding below.
cf create-service p-identity uaa acme-sso   
cf create-service p.service-registry standard acme-registry  
cf create-service p.gateway standard acme-gateway -c '{"sso": { "plan": "uaa", "scopes": ["openid", "profile", "email"] }, "host": "acme-fitness" ,"cors": { "allowed-origins": [ "*" ] }}'

# This assumes you have a Chat and Embedding model plan configured with GenAI for Tanzu Platform v0.6+
cf create-service genai <CHAT MODEL PLAN> acme-genai-chat
cf create-service genai <EMBED MODEL PLAN> acme-genai-embed

Identity Service

cd acme-identity
./gradlew assemble
cf push --no-start
cf bind-service acme-identity acme-registry

# Replace [YOUR APPS DOMAIN] with your TPCF's apps domain for the gateway
cf bind-service acme-identity acme-sso -c '{  "grant_types": ["authorization_code"],
    "scopes": ["openid"],
    "authorities": ["openid"],
    "redirect_uris": ["https://acme-fitness.[YOUR APPS DOMAIN]/"],
    "auto_approved_scopes": ["openid"],
    "identity_providers": ["uaa"],
    "show_on_home_page": false}'
cf bind-service acme-identity acme-gateway -c identity-routes.json
cf start acme-identity

Cart Service

cd ../acme-cart
cf push --no-start
cf bind-service acme-cart acme-gateway -c cart-routes.json
cf start acme-cart

Payment Service

cd ../acme-payment
./gradlew assemble
cf push --no-start
cf bind-service acme-payment acme-gateway -c pay-routes.json
cf start acme-payment

Catalog Service

cd ../acme-catalog
./gradlew clean assemble
cf push --no-start
cf bind-service acme-catalog acme-gateway -c catalog-service_rate-limit.json
cf start acme-catalog

Acme Assist

cd ../acme-assist
./gradlew clean assemble

# Use this with GenAI 0.6+
cf push --no-start 
cf add-network-policy acme-assist acme-catalog
cf bind-service acme-assist acme-gateway -c assist-routes.json
cf start acme-assist

Order Service

cd ../acme-order.yml
dotnet publish -r linux-x64
cf push --no-start
cf add-network-policy acme-order.yml acme-payment
cf bind-service acme-order.yml acme-gateway -c order-routes.json
cf start acme-order.yml

Shopping Service

cd ../acme-shopping-react
npm install
npm run build
cf push --no-start
cf bind-service acme-shopping acme-gateway -c frontend-routes.json
cf start acme-shopping


Ensure that the environment variable for TAS has SPRING_MVC_STATIC_PATH_PATTERN: /static/images/** set. Currently, there is an issue with the value taken from config server being overwritten.

tPCF Development Tricks

Connecting to Database

cf ssh -L 65432:{host-of-database-on-TAS}:5432 {application-name}

Deploy on Tanzu Platform for Kubernetes (tPk8s)

Assume Tanzu Platform has been configured with a project, space, and clusters.


These steps are only relevant for deploying acme-catalog

  1. Install Tanzu CLI (documentation)

    brew update
    brew install vmware-tanzu/tanzu/tanzu-cli
  2. Install the Tanzu Platform plugin group (documentation)

    tanzu plugin install --group vmware-tanzu/app-developer
  3. Login to Tanzu Platform and set project / space scope

    tanzu login
    tanzu project use
    tanzu space use

    [!TIP] This can be verified using tanzu context current

  4. Build the application using buildpacks and deploy.

    tanzu deploy


Deploys ACME Fitness application across different environments



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  • CSS 50.2%
  • HTML 18.7%
  • TypeScript 12.8%
  • Java 6.2%
  • Shell 4.6%
  • C# 1.8%
  • Other 5.7%