ACME Fitness store is a fictional, online sporting goods retail store. This repository contains the source code and deployment resources for the ACME Fitness store application.
This application is composed of several services:
4 Java Spring Boot applications:
- A catalog service for fetching available products.
- A payment service for processing and approving payments for users' orders
- An identity service for referencing the authenticated user
- An assist service for infusing AI into fitness store
1 Python application:
- A cart service for managing a users' items that have been selected for purchase
1 ASP.NET Core applications:
- An order service for placing orders to buy products that are in the users' carts
1 Node.js and static HTML Application
- A frontend shopping application
The sample can be deployed to Azure Spring Apps Enterprise or Tanzu Platform.
Directory | Purpose |
apps/ | source code for the services |
e2e/ | end to end frontend tests |
local-development/ | local docker configuration (documentation) |
Assumption that the proper Cloud Foundry CLI has been installed.
cf create-service p.redis on-demand-cache acme-redis
cf create-service postgres on-demand-postgres-db acme-postgres
cf create-service postgres on-demand-postgres-db acme-assist-postgres
cf create-service postgres on-demand-postgres-db acme-order.yml-postgres
# This sets up your TAS/tPCF config server. It assumes that your config files are located at <this-repository-url> in the branch config (label) under the directory config (searchPaths). You can checkout the branch to see the structure if you like.
cf create-service p.config-server standard acme-config -c '{ "git": { "uri": "<this-repository-url>", "label": "config", "searchPaths": "config" } }'
# This assumes Tanzu Single Sign on for TAS/tPCF is installed and configured against UAA. You can also use other identity providers if you change the plan and binding below.
cf create-service p-identity uaa acme-sso
cf create-service p.service-registry standard acme-registry
cf create-service p.gateway standard acme-gateway -c '{"sso": { "plan": "uaa", "scopes": ["openid", "profile", "email"] }, "host": "acme-fitness" ,"cors": { "allowed-origins": [ "*" ] }}'
# This assumes you have a Chat and Embedding model plan configured with GenAI for Tanzu Platform v0.6+
cf create-service genai <CHAT MODEL PLAN> acme-genai-chat
cf create-service genai <EMBED MODEL PLAN> acme-genai-embed
cd acme-identity
./gradlew assemble
cf push --no-start
cf bind-service acme-identity acme-registry
# Replace [YOUR APPS DOMAIN] with your TPCF's apps domain for the gateway
cf bind-service acme-identity acme-sso -c '{ "grant_types": ["authorization_code"],
"scopes": ["openid"],
"authorities": ["openid"],
"redirect_uris": ["https://acme-fitness.[YOUR APPS DOMAIN]/"],
"auto_approved_scopes": ["openid"],
"identity_providers": ["uaa"],
"show_on_home_page": false}'
cf bind-service acme-identity acme-gateway -c identity-routes.json
cf start acme-identity
cd ../acme-cart
cf push --no-start
cf bind-service acme-cart acme-gateway -c cart-routes.json
cf start acme-cart
cd ../acme-payment
./gradlew assemble
cf push --no-start
cf bind-service acme-payment acme-gateway -c pay-routes.json
cf start acme-payment
cd ../acme-catalog
./gradlew clean assemble
cf push --no-start
cf bind-service acme-catalog acme-gateway -c catalog-service_rate-limit.json
cf start acme-catalog
cd ../acme-assist
./gradlew clean assemble
# Use this with GenAI 0.6+
cf push --no-start
cf add-network-policy acme-assist acme-catalog
cf bind-service acme-assist acme-gateway -c assist-routes.json
cf start acme-assist
cd ../acme-order.yml
dotnet publish -r linux-x64
cf push --no-start
cf add-network-policy acme-order.yml acme-payment
cf bind-service acme-order.yml acme-gateway -c order-routes.json
cf start acme-order.yml
cd ../acme-shopping-react
npm install
npm run build
cf push --no-start
cf bind-service acme-shopping acme-gateway -c frontend-routes.json
cf start acme-shopping
Ensure that the environment variable for TAS has SPRING_MVC_STATIC_PATH_PATTERN: /static/images/**
set. Currently,
there is an issue with the value taken from config server being overwritten.
cf ssh -L 65432:{host-of-database-on-TAS}:5432 {application-name}
Assume Tanzu Platform has been configured with a project, space, and clusters.
These steps are only relevant for deploying acme-catalog
Install Tanzu CLI (documentation)
brew update brew install vmware-tanzu/tanzu/tanzu-cli
Install the Tanzu Platform plugin group (documentation)
tanzu plugin install --group vmware-tanzu/app-developer
Login to Tanzu Platform and set project / space scope
tanzu login tanzu project use tanzu space use
[!TIP] This can be verified using
tanzu context current
Build the application using buildpacks and deploy.
tanzu deploy