Schematics and code for my home-made 8-bit CPU and its companion boards.
During the past month, I designed and built a programmable 8-bit CPU from scratch, out of basic series 74LS logic ICs.
This repository contains pictures, schematics, and code for this project and its companion boards.
- V 1.0 assembled:
- V 2.0b assembled:
- Helix Display Interface in action:
- V 1.0 in action:
The MK1 CPU is composed of several modules, all connected trough a common 8-bit BUS, the status of each module is shown by dedicated LEDs.
- The clock module is designed to allow step-by-step execution; in automatic mode the clock speed can be adjusted from 1Hz up to 32KHz.
- The computer programs are stored in RAM and the CPU can be programmed both manually, by inserting binary machine code through dip-switches, and automatically via a USB PC interface.
- The Programming interface is designed to be used in conjunction with an Arduino Nano or the Start9 programming board.
- The Start9 programming board allows the loading of multiple programs stored on an on-board flash memory without the aid of an external computer device.
- The Addressable memory space is 1024 byte, data, stack and code spaces are separated, the code address space is not writable.
- The instructions are variable-length (see instruction-set here) 1 or 2 bytes long (first byte for the opcode, the second one for the argument), there are 4 general purpose registers (
) and astack pointer
register for subroutine calls. - The Arithmetic Logic Unit has a dedicated register for the second operand and supports the following operations:
- Addition
- Subtraction
- OR
- Left/Right Shift
- Left/Right Rotation
- The Control Unit combinatory logic is implemented using EEPROMs (see microcode here) whilst each instruction is realized through a variable number of micro-instruction for a maximum of 6 micro-steps per instruction, including the fetch cycle. The instruction-set supports both direct and indirect memory access as well as absolute and conditional jumps on carry (
) and zero (ZF
) ALU flags. - The computation output can be visualized on a 4-digit display, with a dedicated register, able to represent positive and 2-complement negative numbers both in decimal and hexadecimal format.
- The CPU can be extended thanks to the external BUS interface capable of handling up to 2 peripheral. The communication is bidirectional, the devices can send interrupts to the CPU to notify when new data is available. Interrupts are cleared once the data has been processed.
- The only available peripheral at the moment is the Helix display interface, an ATmega328-driven 2x16 LCD output display.
- MK1 CPU/:
- 8bit-computer/: KiCad project, schematics and PCB design of the MK1 CPU.
- code/:
- generates the binary EEPROM microcode.
- generates the binary output display EEPROM code.
- uploads a binary MK1 program to the CPU.
- mk1_computer_uploader/: Arduino programmer interface sketch.
- assembler/: fork of the hlorenzi's assembler, improved and customized for the MK1
- programs/: a collection of programs for the MK1 CPU plus the assembler definition
- start9_programming_interface/:
- programming_interface/: KiCad project, schematics and PCB design of the Start9 programming board.
- code/start9_programming_interface/: Arduino code for the programming interface.
- helix_display_interface/:
- display_interface/: KiCad project, schematics and PCB design of the Helix display interface board.
- code/helix_display_interface/: Arduino code for the display interface.
- eeprom_programmer/: KiCad project, schematics and PCB design of a simple Arduino-based eeprom programmer
- bus_breakout/: KiCad project, schematics and PCB design of the external bus connector breakout board.
- minor hardware revision
- revisited PCB design
- new memory architecture, code memory section is read-only, stack and data live on separated spaces
- minor hardware revision
- Variable-length instructions (1 or 2 bytes)
- new custom assembler, thanks to
- few new instructions
- revisited microcode and instruction-set
- 4 general purposes registers (A, B, C, D)
- Stack Pointer implemented as an up-down counter
- External interface and interrupt handling
- Output display decodes HEX and ASCII values
- Clock speed multipliers
- Control Unit extended with 4 EEPROMs
- Variable step microcode counter length (each instruction uses the minimum amount of micro-steps)
- revisited microcode and instruction-set
- Bugfixes.
address signals available in theMAR
- Initial release