pip install pytorch
some code is from https://github.com/GeneZC/ASGCN, and thanks them
pip install transformers to install bert env
pip install spacy
install resources for spacy
use nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm') to check
or you can pip install stanfordcorenlp
and install stanford-corenlp-full-2018-02-27 (not neccessary for exactly the same) for stanfordcorenlp
use nlp = StanfordCoreNLP(r'./stanford-corenlp-full-2018-02-27') to check
copy datasets from https://github.com/GeneZC/ASGCN
use the dataset path and change the corresponding parameter in following files
run generateGraph_spacy.py or generateGraph_stanford.py to generate adjacent matrix file for all five datasets
run data_utils.py to generate pkl form of all five datasets
change some parameters in train.py including path, dataset name and so on
run train.py to train and evaluate, the first time you run this code it will download BERT-related model files from outer website, please wait for it to complete the downloading.
默认为双Transformer模型(Transformer+GCN),部分注释的内容为可选模块,包含掩码自注意力,双向GCN等,以及其他可调超参, most changes about model are in asgcn.py
5, when not use BERT
when you not use BERT, use files in data/datas to train with the current dataset and task as a supplement dataset with aspect span set to [0, length], which means taking the whole sentence as a aspect