This repository contains a collection of features that can be used to enhance the development experience in a Visual Studio Code Dev Container.
The features are organized in separate folders and can be used individually in a devcontainer.json
Installation script can be run locally and/or in devcontainer environnement
When run locally:
- features are installed in local environment.
- a
file is eventually created for remote development experience.
npx tomgrv/devcontainer-features -- --h
npx tomgrv/devcontainer-features -- --s
npx tomgrv/devcontainer-features -- gitutils
npx tomgrv/devcontainer-features -- --a
The GitUtils feature installs a collection of Git utilities in the dev container. The utilities are useful for automating Git workflows.
Configure developpement environnement in one step in conjunction with following packages:
- @commitlint/cli
- @commitlint/config-conventional
- @commitlint/core
- @commitlint/cz-commitlint
- commitizen
- conventional-changelog-cli
- devmoji
- git-precommit-checks
- lint-staged
- prettier
- sort-package-json
The GitVersion feature installs GitVersion in the dev container. GitVersion is a tool that calculates a version number based on the Git history. The version number is written to a file that can be used in the build process.
The Act feature installs the [nektos/act] tool in the dev container. Act is a tool that allows you to run GitHub Actions locally.
More information about Act can be found on the Act GitHub page.
The PECL feature installs the PHP Extension Community Library (PECL) in the dev container. PECL is a repository for PHP extensions.
More information about PECL can be found on the PECL website.
If you have a feature that you would like to add to this repository, please open an issue or submit a pull request.
This repository is licensed under the MIT License.