This project will provide both static and dynamic bindings to the DiligentCore library.
- impliment if ENGINE_DLL sections of code enginefactoryd3d11.d, enginefactoryd3d12.d
- cpp code inside graphics/tools/dynamictrextureatlas.d, graphics/tools/buffersuballocator.d d3dbase/shaderresourcevariabled3d.d; ? Investigate
- Deal with #include <dxgi1_4.h> inside swpchaind3d12.d
- review loadenginedll.d
IDeviceContextVk_GetVkCommandBuffer missing from devicecontextvk.h
GetVkVersion missing from renderdevicevk.h
framebuffervk.h GetVkFramebuffer() has no parameters. Should it have IFramebufferVk* as param?
renderpassvk.h VkRenderPassGetVkRenderPass() has no parameters. Should it have IRenderPassVk* as param?
samplervk.h VkSamplerGetVkSampler() has no parameters. Should it have ISamplerVk* as param?