My little boy often asks "is today a school day". Now he can ask Alexa.
Since this is a custom skill you need to mention the intent (skill name) so it sounds a little clumsy. By calling the skill "Sparky" it sounds a little more natural.
- Alexa, ask Sparky is it a school day
- Alexa, ask Sparky is it a school day tomorrow
- Alexa, ask Sparky is Friday a school day
Note that I didn't publish this on the skills marketplace. I only have this on my device via my amazon developer account.
First we create the lambda function
- In AWS create a lambda function, call it Sparky
- Use the code in SparkyLambda.js with a node.js 6.x runtime
- Add an Alexa Skills Kit trigger
- Copy the ARN at the top-right of the configuration page
Now we setup the Alexa Skill
- In under the Alexa tab click Alexa Skills Kit, create new custom model
- Language = "English UK", name = "Sparky", invocation name = "sparky" (no for audio/video/render)
- Use the code in intent-schema.json for the intent schema field
- Sample utterances are:
- SparkyIntent is it a school day
- SparkyIntent is it a school day {Date}
- SparkyIntent is {Date} a school day
- Under configuration use Lambda with the above ARN
Now verify the skills is enabled
- In click Skills then "Your Skills" at the top-right to verify Sparky is enabled