Brightin / Brightmotive
- Utrecht, the Netherlands
- http://www.brightmotive.com
A clojure library to interact with gettext and PO/POT files
Run commands against multiple Heroku applications.
Easy way to keep your backbone collections and redux store in sync.
Specification for interoperability of common algebraic structures in JavaScript
Internal style guide and shared static analysis configurations and scripts.
BrightContent, yet another cms / admin panel for Rails
Fat-free client-side templates with Slim and CoffeeScript
frontend package manager and build tool for modular web applications
An extension to Backbone providing localStorage caching for Backbone sync operations
tlray / express
Forked from expressjs/expressSinatra inspired web development framework for node.js -- insanely fast, flexible, and simple
HTML9 Responsive Boilerstrap JS
An extension of Twitter's Bootstrap Typeahead plugin with additional customisation.
tlray / node-xmlrpc
Forked from baalexander/node-xmlrpcA pure JavaScript XML-RPC client and server for Node.js.
Test your Rails application's JavaScript with the mocha test framework and chai assertion library
Sprockets-style script concatenation for Node
A Rails-style asset pipeline for Node.js
tlray / backbone
Forked from jashkenas/backboneGive your JS App some Backbone with Models, Views, Collections, and Events
A localStorage adapter for Backbone.js
Haml templates where you can write inline CoffeeScript.
A pure JavaScript XML-RPC client and server for Node.js.
A framework for Realtime Web Apps
A localStorage adapter for Backbone.js
Give your JS App some Backbone with Models, Views, Collections, and Events
Minimal templating on steroids.