A collection of cross-track configuration visualizations for Exercism.
npm install -g exercism-config-visualizations
exercism-config-visualizations --format csv --uniconfig ./data/uniconfig.json averages
- format - choose the output format for the output, defaults to md (markdown)
- uniconfig - the location of your uniconfig file, defaults to internal (probably outdated) uniconfig. May also be provided via stdin
This program uses for input a unified Exercism configuration file (the --uniconfig option or piped in via stdin) you may need to re-generate it from exercism-uniconfig. There is one used by default but it may be outdated.
You can pipe the input from exercism-uniconfig directly into this program.
exercism-uniconfig | exercism-config-visualizations topics
It is more efficient to save it locally as a file and re-use that.
You may output the results of a standard report in a number of formats.
- md - a markdown table, good for including in GitHub text (default)
- csv - useful for opening as a spreadsheet program or piping to another processor
- table - a no-frills text-based table
- json - a JSON file with output data multi-dimensional array.
This has been designed to make it easy to create your own reports. Make a file named with the slug for your report in reports. See the exercise-count report as a good example of how to make a new report. I encourage others to submit any interesting reports for inclusion in the tool.
If you return false the program will assume you handled output yourself. Otherwise return a string for that output. If you want to take advantage of CSV or tabular output return a multi-dimensional array with headers as the first row.
- unconfigured - List Track(s) that are missing: Diff(iculty) or Topics
- track - Active exercises for a single track: Exercise, Difficulty, Core, Unlocked By, Unlocks, Topics
- exercises - Active exercises per track: Track, Count, Exercises
- exercise - Information about exercises across tracks: Exercise, Track, Diff(iculty), Topics
- exercise-count - List the number of exercises per track: Track, Exercise Count
- implementation-count - List # of exercise implementations: Exercise, Count, Tracks
- locks - For a single exercise list Track, Core (status), Unlocked By, Unlocks
- topics - All topics used across all tracks: Topic, Count, Tracks (using this topic)
- averages - The average values of track configuration: Track, Diff(iculty), Topics (per exercise)
- difficulty - Group exercises by difficulty level: Track, Diff(iculty), Count, Exercises
- core - Show all Track(s) with core Exercises and those exercises
List tracks without topics or difficulty set.
exercism-config-visualizations unconfigured
| Track | Diff | Topics |
| ------------ | ---- | ------ |
| clojure | no | no |
| coffeescript | no | no |
| sml | no | no |
| vbnet | no | no |
List information about all active (non-deprecated) exercises in a track.
exercism-config-visualizations track r --format table
Exercise Difficulty Core Unlocked By Unlocks Topics
leap 1 yes perfect-numbers booleans, integers, logic
hamming 1 yes rna-transcription strings, filtering
rna-transcription 1 hamming strings, transforming
rotational-cipher 3 yes strings
anagram 3 yes isogram, pangram strings, filtering
pascals-triangle 3 sum-of-multiples control_flow_conditionals, mathematics
tournament 4 phone-number text_formatting, parsing
A listing of all active exercises per track.
exercism-config-visualizations exercises --format csv
bash,14,"hello-world, gigasecond, bob, leap, raindrops, difference-of-squares, pangram, anagram, hamming, rna-transcription, word-count, two-fer, phone-number, error-handling"
vbnet,7,"bob, anagram, binary, allergies, atbash-cipher, accumulate, crypto-square"
This is a general dump of exercise information across tracks. You may use multiple slugs to show more than one exercise per track.
exercism-config-visualizations exercise hello-world --format table
Exercise Track Diff Topics
hello-world bash 1 stdout
hello-world c 1 control-flow (if-statements), optional values, text formatting
hello-world scala 1 Strings
hello-world swift 1 Text formatting, Optional values
This is a listing of track slug and number of exercises present in the configfile.
exercism-config-visualizations difficulty go --format json
This lists all the exercises found in the configfiles, # of occurrences and list the tracks that implement it.
exercism-config-visualizations implementation-count
| Exercise | Count | Tracks |
| ------------------------- | ----- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| hamming | 30 | bash, c, clojure, cpp, dlang, csharp, ecmascript, elixir, fsharp, erlang, go, groovy, haskell, java, javascript, lisp, lua, objective-c, ocaml, perl5, php, plsql, powershell, python, r, ruby, rust, scala, sml, swift |
| hello-world | 29 | bash, c, clojure, cpp, coffeescript, dlang, csharp, ecmascript, elixir, fsharp, erlang, go, groovy, haskell, java, javascript, lua, objective-c, ocaml, perl5, perl6, php, powershell, python, r, ruby, rust, scala, swift |
| luhn-trait | 1 | rust |
| nucleotide-codons | 1 | rust
Given a exercise slug as the target, this will list all the tracks with the target exercise. It will show the Track slug, if the exercise has core status, which exercise (if any) unlocks it, which exercises (if any) it unlocks. This will not show tracks that have yet to implement the unlocking structure.
exercism-config-visualizations locks pangram
| Track | Core | Unlocked By | Unlocks |
| ----------- | ---- | ----------- | ------- |
| c | | isogram | |
| csharp | | hello-world | |
| ecmascript | yes | | |
| fsharp | | hello-world | |
| swift | | | |
Outputs a listing of topics ordered by usage frequency descending with listing of tracks using that topic. The Topic name is lowercased due to some inconsistent casing between tracks.
exercism-config-visualizations topics --format table
Topic Count Track
strings 363 c, cpp, csharp, ecmascript, elixir, fsharp, go, javascript, lisp, lua, objective-c, ocaml, php, python, r, ruby, scala, swift
transforming 199 csharp, ecmascript, elixir, fsharp, go, javascript, lisp, lua, objective-c, ocaml, php, python, r, scala, swift
function overloading 1 scala
metaprogramming 1 groovy
Outputs the average difficulty and number of topics assigned to each exercise.
exercism-config-visualizations averages
| Track | Diff | Topics |
| ------------ | ---- | ------ |
| bash | 1.50 | 1.93 |
| c | 2.63 | 3.11 |
| sml | 1 | 0 |
| swift | 3.79 | 2.06 |
| vbnet | 1 | 0 |
Listing of exercises grouped by difficulty level. You may specify multiple tracks for a combined listing.
bin/exercism-config-visualizations difficulty go --format table
Track Diff Count Exercises
go 1 8 hello-world, leap, gigasecond, hamming, raindrops, accumulate, etl, scrabble-score
go 2 9 pangram, bob, difference-of-squares, grains, luhn, rna-transcription, roman-numerals, strain, nucleotide-count
go 3 25 clock, acronym, triangle, series, parallel-letter-frequency, isogram, crypto-square, largest-series-product, sieve, protein-translation, anagram, word-count, robot-name, atbash-cipher, phone-number, prime-factors, nth-prime, beer-song, wordy, meetup, tree-building, kindergarten-garden, simple-cipher, tournament, all-your-base
go 4 13 twelve-days, house, pascals-triangle, bank-account, food-chain, perfect-numbers, allergies, diamond, custom-set, pig-latin, matrix, word-search, ledger
go 5 18 error-handling, secret-handshake, queen-attack, sum-of-multiples, pythagorean-triplet, circular-buffer, transpose, diffie-hellman, grade-school, saddle-points, binary-search, binary-search-tree, paasio, minesweeper, poker, variable-length-quantity, change, bowling
go 6 2 palindrome-products, robot-simulator
go 7 4 bracket-push, say, ocr-numbers, pov
go 8 1 forth
go 9 2 react, connect
Show all the core exercises defined in all tracks, missing tracks have no core defined exercises.
exercism-config-visualizations core --format json | jq .
(jq is handy command line tool for manipulating JSON, in this case pretty printing it.)
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