Fortran Functions for Table Manipulation
- SQL-like table manipulation
- All data are stored as character
- No database API is used
- Can handle large size table in joins (-O2, -O3)
- Minimum Initialization
call table%init ( nrows = 3, ncols = 3 )
- Full Initialization
call table%init ( &
nrows = 3, &
ncols = 3, &
rownames = [ "row1", "row2", "row3" ], &
colnames = [ "col1", "col2", "col3" ], &
cell = mydata, &
key = 'key', &
name = "mytable", &
file = "mytable.csv" )
table1 = select ( table, cols )
table1 = table%select( cols )
cols shall be column names / indices / logical vector
table1 = select ( table, [ "col3", "col2" ] )
table1 = select ( table, [ 3, 2 ] )
table1 = select ( table, [ .false., .true., .false. ] )
table1 = filter ( table, rows )
table1 = table%filter( rows )
rows shall be row names / indices / logical vector
table1 = filter ( table, [ "row3", "row1" ] )
table1 = filter ( table, [ 3, 2 ] )
table1 = filter ( table, [ .true., .false., .true. ] )
table1 = delete ( table, rows )
table1 = table%delete( rows )
rows shall be row names / indices / logical vector
table1 = delete ( table, [ "row3", "row1" ] )
table1 = delete ( table, [ 3, 2 ] )
table1 = delete ( table, [ .true., .false., .true. ] )
key in each table is used for matching
table3 = inner_join ( table1, table2 )
table3 = table1%inner_join ( table2 )
table3 = left_join ( table1, table2 )
table3 = table1%left_join ( table2 )
table3 = table1 * table2
table3 = right_join ( table1, table2 )
table3 = table1%right_join ( table2 )
In the following example, if a record with the same key exits in table1, then it is replaced by the corresponding record in table2. If there is no matching key in table1, then the record of table2 is appended to table1. Records are sorted increasingly in accordance with the matching key order.
table3 = insert_or_replace ( table1, table2 )
table3 = table1%insert_or_replace ( table2 )
table3 = table1 + table2
Simple appending with no sorting of the two tables with the same columns
In the following example, table2 is appended to the end of table1.
table3 = append ( table1, table2 )
table3 = table1%append ( table2 )
Write CSV file:
call table%write_csv ( file = "mytable.csv" )
Read CSV file:
call table%read_csv ( file = "mytable.csv" )
values = table%to_{character, logical, integer, real} ( col )
col shall be integer or character
logical, allocatable :: logical_values(:)
logical_values = table%to_logical ( col = 2 )
logical_values = table%to_logical ( col = "col2" )
call table%from_{character, logical, integer, real} ( vals, col )
col shall be integer or character
call table%from_logical ( logical_values, col = 2 )
call table%from_logical ( logical_values, col = "col2" )