Packer templates for building base VM boxes.
There are now official Ubuntu and CentOS vagrant boxes at Vagrant Cloud. These boxes are regularly updated to have newer packages. If you don't need to build a customized box, maybe you can use those boxes instead of building boxes yourself using Packer and templates in this repository.
For example, you can use Vagrantfile like below to use official CentOS 7 box.
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = "centos/7" end
Download the latest packer from and unzip the appropriate directory.
If you're using Homebrew
$ brew tap homebrew/binary $ brew install packer
$ git clone $ cd packer-templates $ packer build template.json
If you want to build only virtualbox.
$ packer build -only=virtualbox-iso template.json
Parallel builds can be run on 0.6.0 or latest packer version.
$ packer build -parallel=true template.json
This templates was tested using a packer 0.7.5 .