This project includes tools for enabling Emacs to run external Python lint and unit testing tools in the background while editing and highlighting the results in the source code.
The following external tools are supported:
- PyChecker
- PyLint
- PyFlakes
- nose
Python virtual environments are supported, but this is largely untested.
:- a script which runs external tools according to user's
configuration and parses the output for
. The script is based on code copied from the Emacs Wiki on 2010-02-25. The original author is unknown. flymake.el
:a modified version of Pavel Kabyakov's
0.3 which adds support for- the 'info' message type in addition to 'error' and 'warning'
- passing the reason for running to external tools
customization:- in addition, a snippet of Emacs Lisp is needed in your
Install or make sure you have installed:
- Emacs (tested on
- Python (tested on 2.6.4)
- the following Python packages:
- pep8
- pychecker
- pylint
- nose
- nose_machineout (from
Make sure that pep8
, pylint
and pychecker
are in your
Choose a directory for
(e.g. ~/.emacs.d/
) and
copy it there. Make sure the script is set as executable.
Copy the provided version of flymake.el
in a directory which is in the Emacs load-path
. If another version of flymake is installed, make sure this directory precedes it. Example: copy to ~/.emacs.d/flymake.el
and add this to your ~/.emacs
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d")
Add to your ~/.emacs
file (customize paths if necessary):
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d") ;; check path (when (load "flymake" t) (defun flymake-pylint-init () (let* ((temp-file (flymake-init-create-temp-buffer-copy 'flymake-create-temp-inplace)) (local-file (file-relative-name temp-file (file-name-directory buffer-file-name)))) (list "~/.emacs.d/" (list local-file)))) ;; check path (add-to-list 'flymake-allowed-file-name-masks '("\\.py\\'" flymake-pylint-init)))
If you'd like flymake to be activated automatically, add the following to
as well:
(add-hook 'find-file-hook 'flymake-find-file-hook)
See the flymake-customizations.el
file for a more advanced set of
customizations and keybindings.
By default,
only runs PyLint, Pep8 and PyFlakes.
PyChecker and unit test runners can be enabled in the configuration.
To find the configuration,
looks for .pyflymakerc
in the same directory as the file being checked. If it isn't found,
parent directories are checked up until the root directory. If no
configuration file is found, the default configuration is used.
The .pyflymakerc
configuration file is imported by
as a Python module. The TRIGGER_TYPE
variable is set and contains a string indicating the reason why
flymake is running the checks.
)- the Python virtual environment to use when running check tools
)- the unit test runner command or
if no unit tests should be run TEST_RUNNER_FLAGS
)- the list of command line arguments for the unit test runner
)- the device on which messages are output by the test runner
)- additional environment variables when running check tools
)- enable PyLint
)- enable PyChecker
)- enable Pep8
)- enable PyFlakes
))- error codes to ignore (in addition to sane defaults)
)ignore the following error codes in PyLint:
Naming conventionC0111
Missing DocstringE1002
Use super on old-style classW0232
Too many public methodsR0903
Too few public methodsR0201
Method could be a function
In the root of a source tree in which you want pyflymake to run tests,
create the file .pyflymakerc
with the following content:
# to run external tools in a virtualenv: VIRTUALENV = '/home/me/.virtualenvs/thevirtualenv' # to run unit tests with nose: TEST_RUNNER_COMMAND = 'nosetests' TEST_RUNNER_FLAGS = [ '--verbosity=0', '--with-machineout', '--machine-output'] # to enable additional checks: PYCHECKER = True
You can use different test runners, too, provided that their output is similar to nose_machineout's. For example, Django's test runner could be used if django-nose is installed:
TEST_RUNNER_COMMAND = '/home/me/project/' TEST_RUNNER_FLAGS = [ 'test', '--settings=test_settings', '--failfast', '--verbosity=0', '--with-machineout', '--machine-output']
You can specify custom configurations depending on why the checks are
being run. Different triggers for flymake.el
to run the checks
was activated for the bufferedit
: the buffer was edited more than .5 seconds agosave
: the buffer was savedforce
:M-x flymake-start-syntax-check
was executed manually
Here's an example configuration:
# run unit tests only when checks are forced or buffer saved if TRIGGER_TYPE in ('save', 'force'): TEST_RUNNER_COMMAND = 'nosetests' TEST_RUNNER_FLAGS = [ '--verbosity=0', '--with-machineout', '--machine-output'] # run unit tests only up to the first failure when buffer is saved if TRIGGER_TYPE == 'save': TEST_RUNNER_FLAGS.append('-x') # run PyLint on open, save and forced-checks PYLINT = TRIGGER_TYPE != 'edit' # don't ignore any messages when a check was forced if TRIGGER_TYPE == 'force': USE_SANE_DEFAULTS = False IGNORE_CODES = ()