This repository contains my dotfiles to setup new machines and sync settings config between machines. It uses Chezmoi to manage the configuration.
To install the dotfiles on a fresh machine, run the following command:
export GITHUB_USERNAME=timoteo
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --apply $GITHUB_USERNAME
In order to add new dotfile(s) to be managed by chezmoi, run the following commands:
# assume a number of files exist under .config/newapp that represents new dotfiles
chezmoi add .config/newapp
# go to the git dotfiles repo directory
chezmoi cd
git add .config/newapp
git commit -m "Add config for newapp"
git push
This method could also technically be used to edit existing dotfile(s), but the following method is recommended.
To change existing chezmoi-managed dotfile(s) on a machine (e.g. .zshrc
), run the following commands:
# make the edits in the editor
# note: you could also do: 'chezmoi edit --apply .zshrc' to combine this and the following step
chezmoi edit .zshrc # conceptually, this command is like: chezmoi cd && vim .zshrc
# apply the .zshrc edits to the current machine
chezmoi apply
chezmoi cd
git add .zshrc
git commit -m "Update .zshrc"
git push
If you need to apply changes that have been pushed to the dotfiles
repo on another machine, run the following command:
chezmoi update
This will pull all changes from the dotfiles
repo and apply them to the current machine.
chezmoi status
- summarize what files would be changed onchezmoi apply
chezmoi diff
- show the diffs that would be applied withchezmoi apply