This README is for the user who
- Want to develop application with LIPS 3D depth camera.
- Already has a LIPS camera module on hand.
- The target platform is Linux
- Develop application with OpenNI 2
If you don't have one and are interesting with it, please contact with us by e-mail
- Ubuntu 14.04 or later
- Install required packages for building OpenCV 2.
sudo apt-get install cmake pkg-config libgtk2.0-dev
Download OpenCV source code from
Extract and enter OpenCV root folder, for example
cd ~/opencv-2.4.11
- Create a folder for cmake and change directory to it, for example,
mkdir build && cd build
- Enter following command to generate cmake files
cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ..
- Once generation is done, enter make command to start the build
- Then, install OpenCV to your system, administrator permission may required.
sudo make install
sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0
Download SDK from [LIPS SDK] (
Extract the tarball of LIPS 3D depth camera SDK
Enter the SDK folder and install the SDK with administrator permission
sudo ./
sudo apt-get install git-core
Clone the project into the SDK folder.
git clone LIPS_Sample
cd LIPS_Sample/Ni2Recorder
cp -r ../../Redist/* .
cp ../../Tools/OpenNI2/Drivers/ OpenNI2/Drivers/
CXX=g++ make
cd LIPS_Sample/Ni2SimpleViewer
cp -r ../../Redist/* .
cp ../../Tools/OpenNI2/Drivers/ OpenNI2/Drivers/
CXX=g++ make
cd LIPS_Sample/Ni2PointCloud
cp -r ../../Redist/* .
cp ../../Tools/OpenNI2/Drivers/ OpenNI2/Drivers/
CXX=g++ make
You can base the samples we provided to develop your own application. What you need to know are:
- Append the source files' name to SRC
- According the path related to SDK, modify the CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS appropriately. i.e., you man need to add -I and -L to the correct location.
- You can also use Clang to compile your application by change CXX from g++ to clang.
- You have to copy contents under Redist folder to your execution folder.
- And copy LIPS module driver library ( from Tools for Samples folder to OpenNI2/Drivers you just copied from Redist folder.