Repo for "A generalised random encounter model for estimating animal density with remote sensor data"
This is a repo with our manuscript and code.
The fully formatted paper can be found, open access, here
There are two main branches. master is our general use branch and is a mess. postPeerReview is a tidy branch with just the files needed for the manuscript.
lucas_et_al_mainms_date.tex contains the main manuscript.
lucas_et_al_mainms_date.pdf is a compiled, unformatted pdf of the manuscript. This should render (slowly) in github. Click the raw button to download the pdf.
lucas_et_al_tex_suppl_file_2015-01-20.bib and lucas_et_al_tex_suppl_file_2015-01-20.bst are the latex reference and style file.
imgs/ contains all the .pdf figures for the paper.
supplementary-material/ contains:
- lucas_et_al_supplementarymaterial_2015-01-20.pdf is the full supplementary material pdf. It will render in Github or click the raw button to download it.
- REM-methods.tex, lucas_et_al_supplementarymaterial_2015-01-20.tex and a directory of .tex files, latexFiles/, that make up the text of the supplementary material.
- imgs/ contains the pdf images needed for the supplementary material.
Code: The code supplement include with the paper includes
- a python script which performs the analytical maths for the paper. It also provides checks that the model specifications are correct.
- lucas_et_al_S4.R is a simple script that implements the gREM in R.
- testSupplementaryRscript.R contains some unit tests for the functions in lucas_et_al_S4.R.
The Master branch is basically a mess. It follows the same structure as postPeerReview
but without any of the tidying.