Releases: tilezen/coanacatl
Fix empty MultiLineStrings
Fix a problem where all the LineStrings in a MultiLineString could become degenerate and leave the MultiLineString empty. This would produce an empty feature output, which is not allowed.
Despite this fix, coanacatl is still very much alpha quality software, and not recommended for production use!
Fix empty geometries
Fix to not output features with empty geometries. In this release, such features are silently skipped, but the rest of the tile should be output as normal. Logging warnings for dropped features will be in a future release.
This is still alpha software, and I do not recommend using it in production!
Fix unicode feature property keys
Allow unicode as a feature property key by encoding as UTF-8.
This is still not ready for serious use! Please feel free to try it, but don't be surprised if it crashes.
Fix Y coordinate flips
Another pre-release. Again, please don't rely on this in production as, while we've fixed some bugs, there may be many more.
Initial alpha release
This is the first release of Coanacatl, and it's still pretty rough around the edges! I wouldn't recommend it for production use until we get to v1.0.