VeeamTeamsNotifications has been replaced by VeeamNotify.
This repository is now archived.
Sends notifications from Veeam Backup & Restore to Teams
Make a scripts directory: C:\VeeamScripts
# To make the directory run the following command in PowerShell
New-Item C:\VeeamScripts PowerShell -type directory
Then clone this repository:
cd C:\VeeamScripts
git clone
cd VeeamTeamsNotifications
Or without git:
Download release, there may be later releases take a look and replace the version number with newer release numbers.
Unzip the archive and make sure the folder is called: VeeamTeamsNotifications
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile C:\VeeamScripts\
Expand-Archive C:\VeeamScripts\ -DestinationPath C:\VeeamScripts
Ren C:\VeeamScripts\VeeamTeamsNotifications-1.1 C:\VeeamScripts\VeeamTeamsNotifications
rm C:\VeeamScripts\
Make a new config file
cp C:\VeeamScripts\VeeamTeamsNotifications\config\vsn.example.json C:\VeeamScripts\VeeamTeamsNotifications\config\vsn.json
Edit your config file. You must replace the webhook field with your own Teams url.
notepad.exe C:\VeeamScripts\VeeamTeamsNotifications\config\vsn.json
Finally open Veeam and configure your jobs. Edit them and click on the button.
Navigate to the "Scripts" tab and paste the following line the script that runs after the job is completed:
Powershell.exe -File C:\VeeamScripts\VeeamTeamsNotifications\TeamsNotificationBootstrap.ps1