I have a data analysis pipeline who's last step is knitting an HTML report with all of the plots I've made. I've been running the latest tidyverse from github because I like across() and where(), but one dataset has routinely been giving me the error in the title and no other information.
I don't know how to debug this error or dig into the code to understand what function is causing the error. I've narrowed it down to the one file, but the minimal example I have is not minimal in any way and the data I have is proprietary so I've put it here for now... 😬 😬 😬
I've posted my session info here because it's huge:
My tibble looks like this:
> moa
# A tibble: 3 x 16
file check_map SPECIES COMNM LCCD TRLID MATNM data TRT_order bar_color corr_df pca_title PCAs corr_mat corr_plot var_data
<chr> <list> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <list> <list> <list> <list> <chr> <list> <list> <list> <list>
1 Strawberry (NZS1802)_Maste… <tibble [5 × 5… Fragraria x anana… Strawber… NZPN NZS1802 Albion <tibble [1,483 ×… <chr [5]> <chr [5]> <tibble [60 × 4… NZPN Strawberry - NZS1802 Alb… <tibble [120 × … <rcorr> <gg> <tibble [478 × …
2 Strawberry (NZS1802)_Maste… <tibble [5 × 5… Fragraria x anana… Strawber… NZPN NZS1802 Camarosa <tibble [131 × 1… <chr [5]> <chr [5]> <tibble [17 × 1… NZPN Strawberry - NZS1802 Cam… <tibble [48 × 2… <rcorr> <gg> <tibble [189 × …
3 Strawberry (NZS1802)_Maste… <tibble [5 × 5… Fragraria x anana… Strawber… NZPN NZS1802 San Andr… <tibble [1,233 ×… <chr [5]> <chr [5]> <tibble [50 × 5… NZPN Strawberry - NZS1802 San… <tibble [130 × … <rcorr> <gg> <tibble [518 × …
This tibble is processed by the following functions moa %>% render_html_reports(.)
, which call these functions.
render_one <- function(df, COMNM, LCCD, TRLID) {
output_file = here("DEVoutputs", glue::glue("{COMNM}"), glue::glue("{LCCD}"), glue::glue("{TRLID}"), glue::glue("{LCCD}_{TRLID}_Experiment_Data_Summary.html")),
params = list(TRLID = TRLID, input_data = df, trial_description = glue::glue("{LCCD}_{COMNM}-{TRLID}"))
render_html_reports <- function(df) {
df %>%
nest(trl_data = -c(SPECIES, COMNM, LCCD, TRLID)) %>%
{pwalk(list(.$trl_data, .$COMNM, .$LCCD, .$TRLID), ~render_one(..1, ..2, ..3, ..4))}
The Rmd file is here:
The trial that I'm running has the most visualizations out of all, but I'm watching the RAM on my machine and it's not running out of RAM (R using 3 of 32 GB). I'm on a newish Mac Mini.