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VI. Personalization

tiduscrying edited this page Oct 7, 2021 · 3 revisions

Changing the boot logo

Thanks to a script created by Eggs and images made by Japanese blog "hebinotsubo" and Discord user jdewitz, we can change the screen that is displayed when first turning on your TrimUI with a handy-dandy script. By default, you would have to download the images all independently and then rename the script provided by eggs to match the image you want to set as your boot-logo. I streamlined the process and just made scripts for each image and put them in an archive here. If you want to create your own logo, the image file has to be in *.bmp format and cannot exceed 512KB.

  1. Download the archive linked above and extract it to your SD card. You should have a folder titled "boot-logos".
  2. Eject your SD card and insert it into your TrimUI.
  3. Using either MinUI or GmenuNX, navigate to the "Commander" application and launch it.
  4. From within commander, navigate to wherever you extracted your "boot-logos" folder. Enter it.
  5. Based on which image you want to set as your boot logo, select the .sh file that matches it and then select "execute". This will apply the image and exit you back to your launcher without any indication it went through -- that's normal.
  6. Reboot your system and enjoy your new logo!

Making a custom text-based bootlogo

If you'd like to create your own simple, text-based boot logo (or add text to one of the logos in this repo), but don't know how to use Photoshop or GIMP, here are instructions for doing so with online tools (and optionally one command-line tool, if you're into that).

Create your image

You can use a simple, online tool to create a 320x240 PNG that you'll later convert to the right format for the bootlogo

  1. If you want a custom font, get it in .ttf form (I'm partial to Super Legend Boy -
  2. Go to
  3. Under "Create a Picture", enter in 320 x 240, then click on the "Create a Picture" link
  4. Set up your background one of two ways
  1. Import an image using the upload button on the top bar (3rd icon on the top bar)
  2. Set the background color using the dripping-bucket button (4th icon on top bar)
  1. Upload custom font, if using it, with the "Custom Font" button on the sidebar
  2. Enter in your text (you can use the New button once you're done entering in one text block to enter in another)
  3. Place text by clicking+dragging or using arrow keys (You can also set text color, size, and even add text effects using the text-editing toolbar just above the main preview area, and the text-align buttons in the sidebar are also useful if you want your text centered)
  4. Hover over the download button (1st icon on the top bar), enter in filename (customlogo is what I used), and click on "PNG" to download your logo as png

Convert PNG to BMP

You have two options here - the simplest, and quickest, option if you're running on a Linux or MacOS box with ImageMagick installed is to simply cd into the directory where your custom logo PNG is and run this command (this assumes your input filename is customlogo.png) convert -define bmp:subtype=RGB565 customlogo.png customlogo.bmp If you don't have ImageMagick installed on a *nix box and/or are uncomfy with the command line, you can also use an online converter, like so

  1. Open
  2. IMPORTANT - BEFORE you click on "Add image files", scroll down to the "Color" drop-down and select "16 (5:6:5, RGB Hi color)"
  3. Scroll back up, click on the "Add image files" button, and select the custom logo PNG you just created
  4. Once it's done converting, click on the download link under "Status"

Actually install the bootlogo

  1. Rename your bootlogo BMP file to customlogo.bmp, if it's not already named as such
  2. Grab from this repo
  3. Copy both and customlogo.bmp onto your TrimUI SD card (anywhere works as long as they're together, I put mine in the booot-logos folder created by following the instructions at the top of this page)
  4. Eject and remove the SD card from your computer, insert it into your TrimUI, and boot up
  5. Open file browser (on MinUI, Tools -> Commander) and navigate to where you saved the two customlogo files
  6. Press A on and then select Execute
  7. Once you're kicked back to the home screen, reboot your device and enjoy your custom bootlogo!

Skinning the stock UI

Once again with the help from Hebinotsubo, the default stock UI can be skinned to have graphics based on your unit with either PowKiddy or TrimUI branding. These zips are available to be flashed as a normal OS update and should ONLY change the branding for the default theme and nothing else. Note that you MUST be on firmware version 0.105!