- Architecture based on features
- Custom Control (loader)
- Custom Templates/styles
- Flurl (api connections)
- liteDB (nosql local db)
- Log crashes (class to show the error on output also can add to send the error to analitycs service)
- Polly (retry api requests/timeout control)
- Linker (downzise app file - Maui Bug - not using yet)
- App works offline (not the calculate feature)
- validations before calculate (select an opponent/select a partner and 2 opponents/cant select same friend as partner/opponent on the game calculation)
- CommunityToolkit.Mvvm (mvvm code generator)
You can add a game to calculate your skill (fake backend - random skill number) - you will able to add a partner or just an opponent and calculate yout skill basead on who win the game. After the calculation you will see that on main page. If you dont have internect connection you will not be able to calculate the skill but could check the last skill on main page.