This is a simple, procedural planet generator based on different, layered noise functions with dynamic LOD (terrain chunks), written in GDScript.
- this amazing tutorial for creating procedurally generated planets by Sebastian Lague
- atmosphere shader by Dimas Leenman, shared under the MIT license, slightly adapted
- optimize TerrainFace generation, find hotspots/bottlenecks, prioritize threads, limit max. number of threads
- multiple noise maps: one for height, one for biomes and/or one for colors, etc.
- preview texture for NoiseGenerator resource
- fix seams between TerrainFaces
- cloud layer around planets
- larger scale to allow for finer detail, needs adjustment or replacement of atmosphere shader
- better terrain shaders with textures, noise border instead of straight one
- adjustable sea level which will adjust the color gradient and the water mesh
- vegetation, rocks, etc.