This is refrence from (Jing's dotvim)[]
git clone ~/.vim
cd ~/.vim
make install
- YouCompleteMe requires vim is larger than 7.3.584, but mac original vim is 7.3
- Install macvim via
brew install macvim
and the command ismvim
- Ruby and Vim 7.3 with ruby support (+ruby) (optional): Command-T and Lusty need these
- Install hg through brew
brew install hg
git pull
make update
- powerline for vim-powerline
- ack for ack.vim
- Exuberant Ctags 5.8 for AutoTag and Tagbar
- Exuberant Ctags head for Tagbar with Objective-C
- Git for vim-fugitive, gundo.vim and git-grep-vim
- Patched font for vim-powerline
- Erlang and rebar for vim-rebar
- RVM for vim-rvm
- virtualenv for vim-virtualenv
- Erlang for vimerl
- R & VimCom for Vim-R-Plugin
Put below in your shell shell rc file:
- alias vi='mvim -v'
- alias vim='mvim -v'
- export EDITOR='mvim -v'
- You should check whether the current ruby matches the vim before
make install
, or vim will crash when you use Command-T. - The latest works in EI Captian Mac.