Open a gem's homepage from the command line. No more going copying it out of gem info
or going to to get the gem's homepage!
$ brew tap thoran/tap
$ brew install thoran/tap/gem-homepage
git clone
cp ./gem-homepage/bin/gem-homepage to your preferred executable path
chmod +x /path/to/gem-homepage
$ gem-homepage gem_name
- It would be nice if the gem command enabled sub-commands in the same way in which git does, such that the following would be possible, but unfortunately is not...
$ gem homepage gem_name
- At present (0.0.0) it will open the home pages of any gem which is installed for the current Ruby only, and not for any gem which is not installed for the current Ruby.
- Should this actually be a sub-sub-command called with
gem open homepage gem_name
? Thengem-homepage gem_name
would return the homepage and not open it.
- Fork it:
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Create a new pull request