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Install in your powershell profile

thomasvm edited this page Jul 31, 2012 · 2 revisions

Installation is straight-forward. Simply git clone this repository into your modules path.

The following piece of code will do just that:

   $target = $env:PSModulePath.Split(';')[0]
   Set-Location $target
   git clone

Once that's done, you can start using Unfold.

Adding Unfold to your project

Just like Capistrano, configuring an Unfold deployment starts with adding a deployment script to your project. To ddo so, simply open up a Powershell inside your project and issue the following commands

        Import-Module unfold

This will add the following files to a folder called deployment

  • unfold.ps1: a launcher script
  • deploy.ps1: the place to configure your project and define custom tasks