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VincentGranville authored May 11, 2024
1 parent 80a9ef1 commit 913e39c
Showing 1 changed file with 305 additions and 0 deletions.
305 changes: 305 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import pyplot

# you can read data from URL below
data = pd.read_csv('circle8d.csv')
features = list(data.columns.values)

#--- [1] read data, build quantile structure

X = data.to_numpy()
features = np.array(features)

# use the first dim columns only
dim = 2
X = X[:, 0:dim]
features = features[0:dim]
nobs_real, dim = X.shape

# initial granularity
granularity = 20 # set to 2 if dim > 2, otherwise set to 20
Hyperparam = np.full(dim, granularity)
grid_shift = np.zeros(dim)

def create_quantile_table(x, Hyperparam, shift=grid_shift):

arr_q = []
for d in range(dim):
n = Hyperparam[d]
arr_qd = np.zeros(n+1)
for k in range(n):
q = shift[d] + k/n
arr_qd[k] = np.quantile(x[:,d], q % 1)
arr_qd[n] = max(x[:,d])

arr_q = create_quantile_table(X, Hyperparam)

#--- [2] Build bin structure for real data

def find_quantile_index(x, arr_quantiles):
k = 0
while k < len(arr_quantiles) and x > arr_quantiles[k]:
k += 1
return(max(0, k-1))

def create_bin_structure(x, arr_q):

hash_bins = {}
hash_bins_median = {}
hash_index = []

for n in range(x.shape[0]):

key = ()
for d in range(dim):
kd = find_quantile_index(x[n,d], arr_q[d])
key = (*key, kd)

if key in hash_bins:
hash_bins[key] += 1
points = hash_bins_median[key]
hash_bins_median[key] = points
hash_bins[key] = 1
hash_bins_median[key] = [x[n,:]]

for key in hash_bins:
points = hash_bins_median[key]
# beware: even number of points -> median is not one of the points
median = np.median(points, axis = 0)
hash_bins_median[key] = median

return(hash_bins, hash_index, hash_bins_median)

( hash_bins_real,
) = create_bin_structure(X, arr_q)

#--- [3] Generate nobs_synth obs, create initial bin structure for synth data

# if nobs_synth > 1000, split in smaller batches, do one batch at a time
nobs_synth = nobs_real
seed = 155

# get initial synth. data with same marginal distributions as real data

mode = 'Shuffle' # options: 'Shuffle', 'Quantiles'
synth_X = np.empty(shape=(nobs_synth,dim))

if mode == 'Quantiles':
for k in range(nobs_synth):
pc = np.random.uniform(0, 1.00000001, dim)
for d in range(dim):
synth_X[k, d] = np.quantile(X[:,d], pc[d], axis=0)

elif mode == 'Shuffle':
nobs_synth == nobs_real # both must be equal
synth_X = np.copy(X)
for d in range(dim):
col = synth_X[:, d]
synth_X[:, d] = col

synth_X_init = np.copy(synth_X)

# create bin structure for synth. data

( hash_bins_synth,
hash_bins_median_synth, # unused
) = create_bin_structure(synth_X, arr_q)

#--- [4] Main part: change synth obs to minimize Hellinger loss function

def in_bin(x, key, arr_q):
# test if vector x is in bin attached to key
status = True
for d in range(dim):
arr_qd = arr_q[d]
kd = key[d]
if x[d] < arr_qd[kd] or x[d] >= arr_qd[kd+1]:
status = False # x is not in the bin

def array_to_tuple(arr):
list = ()
for k in range(len(arr)):
list = (*list, arr[k])

n_iter = 2000000
Hellinger = 2.0 # maximum potential value (min is 0 and means perfect fit)
swaps = 0

# to accelerate computations (pre-computed sqrt)
sqrt_real = np.sqrt(nobs_real)
sqrt_synth = np.sqrt(nobs_synth)
n_sqrt = max(nobs_real, nobs_synth)
arr_sqrt = np.sqrt(np.arange(n_sqrt))
cutoff = 10000 # 50000 if fim = 3, 10000 if dim = 2

for iter in range(n_iter):

if iter % cutoff == 0 and iter !=0:

# Get more granular Hellinger approximation
Hyperparam = 1 + Hyperparam
arr_q = create_quantile_table(X, Hyperparam)
( hash_bins_real,
) = create_bin_structure(X, arr_q)
( hash_bins_synth,
hash_bins_median_synth, # unused
) = create_bin_structure(synth_X, arr_q)

k = np.random.randint(0, nobs_synth)
key_k = hash_index_synth[k]
scount1 = hash_bins_synth[key_k]
if key_k in hash_bins_real:
rcount1 = hash_bins_real[key_k]
rcount1 = 0

l = np.random.randint(0, nobs_synth)
key_l = hash_index_synth[l]
scount2 = hash_bins_synth[key_l]
if key_l in hash_bins_real:
rcount2 = hash_bins_real[key_l]
rcount2 = 0

d = np.random.randint(1,dim) # column 0 can stay fixed

new_key_k = np.copy(key_k)
new_key_l = np.copy(key_l)
new_key_k[d] = key_l[d]
new_key_l[d] = key_k[d]
new_key_k = array_to_tuple(new_key_k)
new_key_l = array_to_tuple(new_key_l)

if new_key_k in hash_bins_synth:
scount3 = hash_bins_synth[new_key_k]
scount3 = 0
if new_key_k in hash_bins_real:
rcount3 = hash_bins_real[new_key_k]
rcount3 = 0

if new_key_l in hash_bins_synth:
scount4 = hash_bins_synth[new_key_l]
scount4 = 0
if new_key_l in hash_bins_real:
rcount4 = hash_bins_real[new_key_l]
rcount4 = 0

A = arr_sqrt[scount1] /sqrt_synth - arr_sqrt[rcount1]/sqrt_real
B = arr_sqrt[scount1-1]/sqrt_synth - arr_sqrt[rcount1]/sqrt_real
C = arr_sqrt[scount2] /sqrt_synth - arr_sqrt[rcount2]/sqrt_real
D = arr_sqrt[scount2-1]/sqrt_synth - arr_sqrt[rcount2]/sqrt_real
E = arr_sqrt[scount3] /sqrt_synth - arr_sqrt[rcount3]/sqrt_real
F = arr_sqrt[scount3+1]/sqrt_synth - arr_sqrt[rcount3]/sqrt_real
G = arr_sqrt[scount4] /sqrt_synth - arr_sqrt[rcount4]/sqrt_real
H = arr_sqrt[scount4+1]/sqrt_synth - arr_sqrt[rcount4]/sqrt_real
delta_H = - A*A + B*B - C*C + D*D - E*E + F*F - G*G + H*H

if delta_H < -0.00001:

Hellinger += delta_H
swaps += 1

# update hash_index_synth and hash_bins_synth

hash_index_synth[k] = new_key_k
if new_key_k in hash_bins_synth:
hash_bins_synth[new_key_k] +=1
hash_bins_synth[new_key_k] = 1
if hash_bins_synth[key_k] == 1:
del hash_bins_synth[key_k]
hash_bins_synth[key_k] -= 1

hash_index_synth[l] = new_key_l
if new_key_l in hash_bins_synth:
hash_bins_synth[new_key_l] += 1
hash_bins_synth[new_key_l] =1
if key_l in hash_bins_synth:
hash_bins_synth[key_l] -= 1
hash_bins_synth[key_l] = 1

# update synthetic data

aux = synth_X[k, d]
synth_X[k, d] = synth_X[l, d]
synth_X[l, d] = aux

if iter % 1000 == 0:
print("Iter: %7d | Loss: %9.6f | Swaps: %5d"
%(iter, Hellinger, swaps))

#--- [5] Evaluation with KS distance

import genai_evaluation as ge

n_nodes = 1000

df_init = pd.DataFrame(synth_X_init, columns = features)
df_synth = pd.DataFrame(synth_X, columns = features)
df_train = pd.DataFrame(X, columns = features)

query_lst, ecdf_train, ecdf_init = ge.multivariate_ecdf(df_train,
df_init, n_nodes, verbose = True)
ks_base = ge.ks_statistic(ecdf_train, ecdf_init)

query_lst, ecdf_train, ecdf_synth = ge.multivariate_ecdf(df_train,
df_synth, n_nodes, verbose = True)
ks = ge.ks_statistic(ecdf_train, ecdf_synth)

query_lst, ecdf_init, ecdf_synth = ge.multivariate_ecdf(df_init,
df_synth, n_nodes, verbose = True)
ks_diff = ge.ks_statistic(ecdf_init, ecdf_synth)

print("Test ECDF Kolmogorof-Smirnov dist. (synth. vs train.): %6.4f" %(ks))
print("Base ECDF Kolmogorof-Smirnov dist. (init. vs train.): %6.4f" %(ks_base))
print("Diff ECDF Kolmogorof-Smirnov dist. (init. vs synth.): %6.4f" %(ks_diff))

#--- [6] Plot some result

mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 0.3
mpl.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 0.5
plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 7
plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 7

plt.scatter(synth_X[:,0],synth_X[:,1], c = 'red', s = 0.6)
plt.scatter(synth_X_init[:,0],synth_X_init[:,1], c = 'green', s = 0.6)
plt.scatter(X[:,0],X[:,1], c = 'blue', s = 0.6)

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