This bot sends automated updates via telegram, when new covid-numbers are published on the local website.
- Choose which locations you want to be updated about
- Get graphs on demand using
show (location)
To do this the bot excecutes the following steps:
- requests the latest covid-19 numbers from the specified website
- reads html table and fits it into a json if data is from 'today'
- generates data tables using the saved jsons and
- creates plots for each location from those tables
- automatical dispatch of the generated images to those who are subscribed
The whole process is written to handle data from the Kreis Ahrweiler in Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.
This is also why the bots output is in german.
It might be simpler to write a new bot than porting this to you local governments website.
But feel free to copy some blocks of code you like, as long as your code stays open source :)