A website that will log you out from popular internet services that probably implement logout in an unsafe way.
Shameless clone of superlogout.com built to learn React.js, Gulp and the Flexbox layout.
- Airbnb
- Amazon
- Bambuser
- BitBucket
- Change.org
- CodePen
- Concur
- Digg
- Drone
- Dropbox
- Gmail
- GoDaddy
- Hacker News
- Hulu
- Interview Cake
- Kickstarter
- Netflix
- Optimizely
- PhraseApp
- Rdio
- RunKeeper
- Salesforce
- Sentry
- Skype
- SpeedCurve
- Spotify
- Talentguide
- Threadless
- Tumblr
- Twitch
- Uber
- Volaris VClub
- Wikipedia
- Windows Live
- Yahoo
- YouTube
Apparently, if you use Facebook to log in to Airbnb, we can log you out from it as well (?).
Please contribute with more sites adding websites here.