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A library of composable functions for the type-level! Transform your TypeScript types in any way you want using functions you already know.

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Higher-Order TypeScript (HOTScript)

A library of composable functions for the type level!

Transform your TypeScript types in any way you want using functions you already know.



  • Type-level higher-order functions (Tuples.Map, Tuples.Filter, Objects.MapValues, etc).
  • Type-level pattern matching with Match.
  • Performant math operations (Numbers.Add, Numbers.Sub, Numbers.Mul, Numbers.Div, etc).
  • Custom "lambda" functions.

🚧 work in progress 🚧


You can find HotScript on npm:

npm install -D hotscript

HotScript is a work-in-progress library, so expect breaking changes in its API.


Transforming a list

Run this as a TypeScript Playground

import { Pipe, Tuples, Strings, Numbers } from "hotscript";

type res1 = Pipe<
  //  ^? 62
  [1, 2, 3, 4],
    Tuples.Map<Numbers.Add<3>>,       // [4, 5, 6, 7]
    Tuples.Join<".">,                 // ""
    Strings.Split<".">,               // ["4", "5", "6", "7"]
    Tuples.Map<Strings.Prepend<"1">>, // ["14", "15", "16", "17"]
    Tuples.Map<Strings.ToNumber>,     // [14, 15, 16, 17]
    Tuples.Sum                        // 62

Defining a first-class function

Run this as a TypeScript Playground

import { Call, Fn, Tuples } from "hotscript";

// This is a type-level "lambda"!
interface Duplicate extends Fn {
  return: [this["arg0"], this["arg0"]];

type result1 = Call<Tuples.Map<Duplicate>, [1, 2, 3, 4]>;
//     ^? [[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3], [4, 4]]

type result2 = Call<Tuples.FlatMap<Duplicate>, [1, 2, 3, 4]>;
//     ^? [1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4]

Transforming an object type

Run this as a TypeScript Playground

import { Pipe, Objects, Booleans } from "hotscript";

// Let's compose some functions to transform an object type:
type ToAPIPayload<T> = Pipe<
    Objects.Assign<{ metadata: { newUser: true } }>,
    Objects.Assign<{ id: string }>
type T = ToAPIPayload<{
  id: symbol;
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;
// Returns:
type T = {
  id: string;
  metadata: { new_user: true };
  first_name: string;
  last_name: string;

Parsing a route path

Run this as a TypeScript Playground

import { Pipe, Objects, Strings, ComposeLeft, Tuples, Match } from "hotscript";

type res5 = Pipe<
  //    ^? { id: string, index: number }
    Tuples.Map<ComposeLeft<[Strings.Trim<"<" | ">">, Strings.Split<":">]>>,
      Match<[Match.With<"string", string>, Match.With<"number", number>]>


  • Core
    • Pipe<Input, Fn[]>
    • PipeRight<Fn[], Input>
    • Call<Fn, ...Arg>
    • Apply<Fn, Arg[]>
    • PartialApply<Fn, Arg[]>
    • Compose<Fn[]>
    • ComposeLeft<Fn[]>
  • Function
    • ReturnType<Fn>
    • Parameters<Fn>
    • Parameter<N, Fn>
  • Tuples
    • Create<X> -> [X]
    • Partition<Tuple>
    • IsEmpty<Tuple>
    • Zip<...Tuple[]>
    • ZipWith<Fn, ...Tuple[]>
    • Sort<Tuple>
    • Head<Tuple>
    • Tail<Tuple>
    • At<N, Tuple>
    • Last<Tuple>
    • FlatMap<Fn, Tuple>
    • Find<Fn, Tuple>
    • Drop<N, Tuple>
    • Take<N, Tuple>
    • TakeWhile<Fn, Tuple>
    • GroupBy<Fn, Tuple>
    • Join<Str, Tuple>
    • Map<Fn, Tuple>
    • Filter<Fn, Tuple>
    • Reduce<Fn, Init, Tuple>
    • ReduceRight<Fn, Init, Tuple>
    • Reverse<Tuple>
    • Every<Fn, Tuple>
    • Some<Fn, Tuple>
    • SplitAt<N, Tuple>
    • ToUnion<Tuple>
    • ToIntersection<Tuple>
    • Prepend<X, Tuple>
    • Append<X, Tuple>
    • Concat<T1, T2>
    • Min<Tuple>
    • Max<Tuple>
    • Sum<Tuple>
  • Object
    • Readonly<Obj>
    • Mutable<Obj>
    • Required<Obj>
    • Partial<Obj>
    • ReadonlyDeep<Obj>
    • MutableDeep<Obj>
    • RequiredDeep<Obj>
    • PartialDeep<Obj>
    • Update<Path, Fn | V, Obj>
    • Record<Key, Value>
    • Keys<Obj>
    • Values<Obj>
    • AllPaths<Obj>
    • Create<Pattern, X>
    • Get<Path, Obj>
    • FromEntries<[Key, Value]>
    • Entries<Obj>
    • MapValues<Fn, Obj>
    • MapKeys<Fn, Obj>
    • Assign<...Obj>
    • Pick<Key, Obj>
    • PickBy<Fn, Obj>
    • Omit<Key, Obj>
    • OmitBy<Fn, Obj>
    • CamelCase<Obj>
    • CamelCaseDeep<Obj>
    • SnakeCase<Obj>
    • SnakeCaseDeep<Obj>
    • KebabCase<Obj>
    • KebabCaseDeep<Obj>
  • Union
    • Map<Fn, U>
    • Extract<T, U>
    • ExtractBy<Fn, U>
    • Exclude<T, U>
    • ExcludeBy<Fn, U>
    • NonNullable<U>
    • ToTuple<U>
    • ToIntersection<U>
  • String
    • Length<Str>
    • TrimLeft<Str>
    • TrimRight<Str>
    • Trim<Str>
    • Join<Sep, Str>
    • Replace<From, To, Str>
    • Slice<Start, End, Str>
    • Split<Sep, Str>
    • Repeat<N, Str>
    • StartsWith<S, Str>
    • EndsWith<E, Str>
    • ToTuple<Str>
    • ToNumber<Str>
    • ToString<Str>
    • Prepend<Start, Str>
    • Append<End, Str>
    • Uppercase<Str>
    • Lowercase<Str>
    • Capitalize<Str>
    • Uncapitalize<Str>
    • SnakeCase<Str>
    • CamelCase<Str>
    • KebabCase<Str>
    • Compare<Str, Str>
    • Equal<Str, Str>
    • NotEqual<Str, Str>
    • LessThan<Str, Str>
    • LessThanOrEqual<Str, Str>
    • GreaterThan<Str, Str>
    • GreaterThanOrEqual<Str, Str>
  • Number
    • Add<N, M>
    • Multiply<N, M>
    • Subtract<N, M>
    • Negate<N>
    • Power<N, M>
    • Div<N, M>
    • Mod<N, M>
    • Abs<N>
    • Compare<N, M>
    • GreaterThan<N, M>
    • GreaterThanOrEqual<N, M>
    • LessThan<N, M>
    • LessThanOrEqual<N, M>
  • Boolean
    • And<Bool, Bool>
    • Or<Bool, Bool>
    • XOr<Bool, Bool>
    • Not<Bool>
    • Extends<A, B>
    • Equals<A, B>
    • DoesNotExtend<A, B>


A library of composable functions for the type-level! Transform your TypeScript types in any way you want using functions you already know.






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  • TypeScript 97.8%
  • JavaScript 1.6%
  • CSS 0.6%