Game was created in Java language using LibGDX framework as an entry for Ludum Dare 54 Game Jam. The theme of the jam was "Limited Space". This game was created in under 72 hours. On later stages some rework was applied to the project to improve performance, stability and playability.
You are a retired little ninja… You were living your life peacefully, had left the ninja life behind… But the enemies you had didn’t leave you behind them… So, they found you… And they stole the most important thing in your life… Your best friend, Donnie… The old dog that kept you company while you were living your life calmly. Now, you have to track them down and find where they keep Donnie imprisoned. And, of course, you need to punish them! As a ninja that knows the secrets of the job, you can combine special runes to get special abilities for some time… So, it’s up to you, to use the runes wisely, because space is limited!
The game can be found on both (Ludum Dare) and You can find more little games or other projects on my personal website
If you have any feedback, please reach out to me at