A basic nodejs based news website (dawn) scraper. You can use this API to fetch latest news in English or Urdu language. It uses node-fetch and jsdom dependencies and hence is a very light-weighted package.
You need to install node nodejs and npm package on your machine before using this package.
After installing nodejs and npm, install this package using the command:
npm install newspk
const newspk = require("newspk");
const newspk = require("newspk");
(async () => {
let limit = 5; // max-allowed: 15, may return unexpected errors on limit violation
let lang = "english"; // for english
// let lang = "urdu"; // for urdu
let news = await newspk.news(limit, lang);
console.log(news) // An array of object with properties "title", "thumbnail", "body", "created_at", "unique id"