Suppose you have a proto like this
message Repeated {
repeated int64 implicitly_packed_options = 4 [jstype = JS_NUMBER]; // field options should have no effect
And protoc-gen-ts does not deserialize this message when it is serialized with GoLang. Deserialization fails with Assertion error
protoc-gen-ts generates deserialize
method like this
static deserialize(bytes: Uint8Array | pb_1.BinaryReader): Repeated {
const reader = bytes instanceof pb_1.BinaryReader ? bytes : new pb_1.BinaryReader(bytes), message = new Repeated();
while (reader.nextField()) {
if (reader.isEndGroup())
switch (reader.getFieldNumber()) {
case 4:
pb_1.Message.addToRepeatedField(message, 4, reader.readInt64());
default: reader.skipField();
return message;
Looks like the field is trusted as a packed = false
field, while there is no such field option.