A proof of concept module for Unreal IRCd that allows clients to connect through HTML5 WebSockets as well as normal connections
This version requires you to modify the unrealircd source code, because the hook "HOOKTYPE_RAWPACKET_IN" does not support an OUT parameter for buffer length.
Search your s_bsd.c for
int v = (*(h->func.intfunc))(cptr, readbuf, length);
and replace it with
int v = (*(h->func.intfunc))(cptr, readbuf, &length);
I've submitted a bug report here: http://bugs.unrealircd.org/view.php?id=4250
However, as of the first commit it has not yet been patched.
Please also note that there is a ton of debugging messages in the code right now, that is because this is not production code. Feel free to fork it, but this code is considered buggy and unsafe as of 0.1.