Kubernetes-On-Nomad kon
is a tool for simplifying running Kubernetes
on Nomad using Consul
(Vault coming soon) for storing all Kubernetes configuration.
It's not involved during runtime but helps you setup Nomad, Consul and Kubernetes together.
There are similarities between Nomad and Kubernetes but there are also some key differences (see Nomad vs. Kubernetes). The main thing is that they are both tools in our toolbox. Nomad and Consul are both master-less which is something we can use.
- All etcd and kubernetes configuration and certificates stored in Consul (Vault coming soon)
- Simple handling of Kubernetes infrastructure and control plane
- HA out of the box, there is no single master as long as you have enough nodes. Nomad handles the Kubernetes Control plane.
- Easy to set up a Kubernetes cluster (uses kubeadm under the hood)
Generate a sample kon.conf
$ kon generate init
Edit kon.conf
and add all your machines. Then run cluster apply
on any machine that can do ssh
$ kon --config ./kon.conf cluster apply
Then login to any node and run:
core-01 ~ # kon etcd config
core-01 ~ # kon etcd start
core-01 ~ # kon kubernetes install
core-01 ~ # kon kubernetes config
core-01 ~ # kon kubernetes start