Generate Kubernetes secrets from Passbolt.
kind: PassboltSecret
name: example-secret
name: my_very_secret
This will look for passbolt resource my_very_secret
and create the following Kubernetes secret in default namespace.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: example-secret
type: Opaque
secret: <secret data>
kind: PassboltSecret
name: example-secret
id: 25d52ee9-efcd-443d-bee9-aa167d3b3da2
You can customize the resulting secret by providing key names for each passbolt resource filed and specify the name.
kind: PassboltSecret
name: example-secret
name: my_very_secret
name: my-secret
secretKey: password
usernameKey: username
urlKey: target
This will result to
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: my-secret
type: Opaque
password: <secret data>
username: <username data>
target: <url data>
For this example we will use minikube. Also, kubectl
needs to be installed.
Default Minikube cluster CPU is 2
& memory is 2048
minikube config set cpus 8
minikube config set memory 8192
Start minikube
with all the ports available so we can bind 443 to passbolt service.
minikube start --extra-config=apiserver.service-node-port-range=1-65535
Add a line in /etc/hosts
that point to minikube's ip address to access passbolt web UI later.
echo "$(minikube ip) pass.bolt" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
kubectl create -f example/db/namespace.yaml
kubectl create secret generic -n db mariadb --from-literal=password=mypassword
kubectl create configmap -n db mariadb --from-literal=dbname=passbolt
kubectl create -f example/db/pod.yaml
kubectl create -f example/db/service.yaml
kubectl create -f example/passbolt/namespace.yaml
kubectl create secret generic -n passbolt db --from-literal username=root --from-literal password=mypassword
kubectl create configmap -n passbolt config \
--from-literal=dbhost=mariadb.db.svc.cluster.local \
--from-literal=dbname=passbolt \
kubectl create -f example/passbolt/pod.yaml
kubectl create -f example/passbolt/service.yaml
Wait for passbolt to initialize by checking the logs:
kubectl logs -n passbolt passbolt
After passbolt is up, initiate configuration with the following:
kubectl exec -it -n passbolt passbolt -- su -m -c "/var/www/passbolt/bin/cake passbolt register_user -u -f john -l doe -r admin" -s /bin/sh www-data
If all went well you should get
User saved successfully.
To start registration follow the link provided in your mailbox or here:
Follow the link to finish setup. Save the Server key
, generate a new key, set a passphrase & download your private key.
After the setup is finished, assuming the passbolt browser plugin is installed, login and create a secret with username
& url
set. Name your secret my_very_secret
to continue copy-paste.
Build the controller and the image using Docker with minikube environment so the image will be available to our local cluster.
eval `minikube docker-env`
make image_build
Create Kubernetes resources for passbolt-secret-controller.
kubectl create -f artifacts/namespace.yaml
kubectl create -f artifacts/cluster-role.yaml
kubectl create -f artifacts/service-account.yaml
kubectl create -f artifacts/cluster-role-binding.yaml
kubectl create -f artifacts/service-token.yaml
kubectl create -f artifacts/custom-resource-definition.yaml
Use the Server key
from earlier to generate the config map
kubectl create configmap -n passbolt-secrets passbolt-server \
--from-literal fingerprint=<the_server_key> \
--from-literal url=https://passbolt.passbolt.svc.cluster.local
Use your downloaded private key file and passphrase to create the secret.
kubectl create secret generic -n passbolt-secrets passbolt-server \
--from-file key=<passbolt_private.txt> \
--from-literal password=<passphrase>
Finally, create the controller pod.
kubectl create -f artifacts/controller-pod.yaml
You are ready now to create some PassboltSecrets!
kubectl create -f example/app/passbolt-secret.yaml
kubectl create -f example/app/pod.yaml
Check the logs of the pod to see the values of the passbolt secret you created.
kubectl logs test