Welcome to Rusticle, the programming language that combines the elegance of Rust with the simplicity of a popsicle! Whether you're declaring variables, writing functions, or importing packages, Rusticle makes it a breeze. Just like a popsicle on a hot day, Rusticle is refreshing and easy to enjoy. So grab your favorite flavor, dive into the code, and let the cool syntax of Rusticle chill your programming woes away!
P.S.: The entire vibe syntax should work flawlessly... except for while loops. Why? Well, somewhere between my brilliant ideas and their execution, I managed to break them. Oh, and don’t even try package installation—it’s as broken as my hopes of loading the module correctly. Both of these hiccups exist because I messed up in multiple places. Think of it as a feature: you get to admire my creativity in breaking things!
Install Rust on your machine
Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/thedevyashsaini/rusticle
Chande current directoy to rusticle
$ cd rusticle
Test the interpreter
$ cargo run --quiet -- --help
Make a .lin file with example lin code
// example.lin
likh "Hello, World!";
Execute the file
$ cargo run --quiet -- example.lin
Here's a complete guide for syntax of our Lin language:
--> Syntax.md