Hello Zura!
Thanks a lot for your 7 hour tutorial. It really helps!
However I have some issues with it. If you don't mind I will post my questions here in one place as I go through your video.
And the first one is about Gii. Before it everything was smooth and clear.
Time stamp is about here -
In your code in rules method you have this line:
[['created_by'], 'exist', 'skipOnError' => true, 'targetClass' => User::className(), 'targetAttribute' => ['created_by' => 'id']],
I don't have it, rules end with:
[['video_id'], 'unique'],
attributeLabels() looks fine, just like yours and then my code ends with find() method. I don't have getCreatedBy() method generated.
My first though was about DB, maybe I had some mismatches there, so I've completed migration several times, and followed your gii generation about 3 times, but without any luck, my code is generated differently from yours. I've even copy-pasted your migration code and tried one more time.
My Yii version is 2.0.38, but you've used 2.0.34. Could it be the reason?